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Sorry~ i can't find the 104-105 chapters.

“Run? What does that mean? Is the Xian Ge Galaxy in danger?” Shu Shuishui’s question was the immediate reaction of everyone upon seeing the information. It was followed by profound confusion and a sense of crisis.

Regardless of the mysterious origin of the sounds in the Xian Ge Galaxy, the fact that they couldn’t be traced indicated that they were on a level beyond the Xian Ge Galaxy’s existing technology and capabilities to explore and decipher.

Moreover, the fact that such a high-level unknown entity had been repeating the same message within the Xian Ge Galaxy for two years strongly suggested the importance of this information.

“Is there any other audio deciphered?” Gu Langu inquired.

Nan Ge shook his head. “Not for now. Gu Langyi didn’t participate in this collective dungeon, so we don’t know what happened on his barren star. The only message he brought us is this one.”

What Gu Langyi had transmitted to Xie Feng through the dungeon had been formatted in a way that Xie Feng could decrypt. This formatting could only be understood by Xie Feng and Gu Langyi, indicating that the two of them had privately researched it.

In other words, the real Xian Ge audio can only be deciphered by Gu Langyi, so they currently have no way of knowing what kind of information the Xian Ge Galaxy’s audio was transmitting two years ago.

However, it should be highly complex since even Gu Langyi couldn’t decipher it and could only convey the message to evacuate.

“If this information is accurate, then we may be facing more than just the Apocalypse Era of Cang Zhan Star,” Nan Ge continued, “The transmission range of this audio covers the entire Xian Ge Galaxy, which means this sound is warning the entire Xian Ge Galaxy. Given the level of the sender, who not only hasn’t provided any explanations or solutions but has urgently advised ‘run,’ there are only two possibilities.”

“One, this sender lacks the ability to think comprehensively, can predict a problem but cannot solve it, so they chose the simplest option, which is to flee. Two, the Xian Ge Galaxy is about to face a catastrophe so immense that nothing within the galaxy can withstand it, with no solution in sight, and escape is the only chance of survival!”

The consequences of these two scenarios are vastly different. After all, if they abandon the entire galaxy, where can the residents of the Xian Ge Galaxy go? Should they all become interstellar migrants? But where would they migrate to?

“Xiao Ge Ge is worried that if this unknown threat is powerful enough to endanger the entire Xian Ge Galaxy, the neighboring Canghai Galaxy will also be affected, and it might face the same catastrophe?” Shu Shuishui quickly understood Nan Ge’s concerns.

Nan Ge sighed. “Canghai is too close to Xian Ge, and if there’s indeed a threat that could destroy Xian Ge, what assurance does Canghai have that it will remain unscathed? After all, in the previous galactic wars, it’s clear that Canghai’s technological level is still below Xian Ge’s. Xian Ge has entered the era of full artificial intelligence, and those powerful complete mechanical beings that Xian Ge has produced, Canghai has yet to replicate. If it weren’t for…”

“Never mind, why am I saying all of this?” Nan Ge paused mid-sentence, realizing that Gu Langu was right beside them. He also recalled the series of unpleasant experiences that followed this train of thought. “Shui Shui, I came to see you to ask if there’s any way to predict certain situations – time, location, method, scope – anything at all.”

Not only in Nan Ge’s eyes but in the eyes of all Shui Jing Gong residents, Shu Shuishui had become a symbol of miracles, a beacon of hope in dire situations. It seemed that as long as he was there, any problem could be solved.

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