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Although this waterside picnic has come to an end, everyone is still eagerly anticipating when they can do it again, especially Gu Langu, whose intimate time with Shu Shuishui was interrupted. Even after Nan Ge’s group left later on, Gu Langu still felt unsatisfied.

Particularly, after learning that Shu Shuishui had used up the mimicry symbols. Even though Gu Langu had used the most symbols that night, he still felt that if he had a few more, he could continue to embrace the soft and fluffy Shu Shuishui, holding him while sleeping, leaning on him during meals, and hugging him while walking.

As for the others who were eagerly anticipating, Gu Langu firmly declined their requests. Why was this so? Because in a mimicry state, a single fish could annihilate them, and for the sake of the fleet’s future, it was wise to avoid such situations. His argument was convincing, and the others couldn’t refuse.

Having achieved his goal, Gu Langu eagerly awaited the next batch of mimicry symbols from Shu Shuishui, and he secretly prepared the next set of ingredients every day.

However, what he didn’t expect was that the storm arrived earlier. This signaled the onset of the Cang Zhan Star Rain Season, marking the end of the sunny days and an indefinite hiatus for picnicking on small boats. Once the rainy season arrived, storms would become a common occurrence, much like frequent winter blizzards. Even large ships were at risk of capsizing on such days, and Shu Shuishui’s fruit boat was on the verge of being overturned at any moment.

The first rain arrived after sunset, on the third evening after the waterside picnic. After the sun had set, the world plunged into a refreshing darkness.

Inside the room, Shu Shuishui and Gu Langu were nestled on the bed, back to back, each engrossed in their own tasks. Gu Langu was working on improving a detector, while Shu Shuishui was going through the stack of documents given by Cheng Que.

The further he flipped through the documents, the more serious Shu Shuishui became. The folded papers held more value than he had initially thought. This stack of information contained over thirty pages, starting from scratch and progressively detailing the history of the Cang Star System’s development. This was a rare moment when Shu Shuishui didn’t doze off while absorbing technological knowledge; in fact, he was enthusiastic about it.

The information was divided into three sections: the past development history of the Cang Star System, the current overview, and the future predictions. Shu Shuishui had just finished reading the history of the past development. It turned out that the Cang Star System was once remarkably similar to the Milky Way, with most planets resembling Earth. However, there were numerous habitable planets, leading to constant friction among them.

Conflicts and friction typically accompany technological leaps and innovations. In one interstellar battle, a powerful technological weapon accidentally tore through spacetime, allowing the Cang Star System to capture information from a higher-dimensional civilization. Although only a small part of it was deciphered later on, it propelled the Cang Star System to great heights, officially ushering it into the interstellar age. People’s focus shifted from interplanetary matters to interstellar ones. Consequently, the Cang Star System encountered the neighboring Xian Ge galaxy, marking the formal contact between the Canghai civilization and another highly advanced civilization.

Next came the current overview records, filled with advanced technological terms. Cheng Que thoughtfully provided simple explanations in place of these terms to make it easier for Shu Shuishui to understand. It was at this point that Shu Shuishui realized Cheng Que was truly a top talent. He must have deduced his general identity through their daily interactions to offer such explanations.

Shu Shuishui had never been to planets beyond Cang Zhan Star, but through Cheng Que’s descriptions, he felt as though he were witnessing a dynamic external world—a genuine interstellar era with a fully structured future.

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