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In the early morning, the mountain ranges and forests were covered with the scent of melting snow. The mist, like a blanket left behind from last night, veiled the land, especially in the vast expanse of the continent where the mist was thicker. Standing at the mountain’s peak, as far as the eye could see, beneath your feet lay a surging sea of clouds as if you were standing in a celestial paradise, overlooking all living beings.

As the first rays of sunlight ascended today, the daylight, like a sharp sword, pierced through the thick clouds, revealing the sun. The view became clear, and the entire land seemed to awaken from its hazy slumber of the previous night.

Even in Shui Jing Gong Valley, after the dissipation of the mist, a soft golden morning light embraced the valley. The valley was bustling with people, but the multitude of voices didn’t create much noise; it was as though everyone was afraid of disturbing the morning’s tranquility and elegance.

Though there were few sounds, each person cooperated in silence, even the gray rats carrying large and small bags cooperated diligently. Some helped with the transportation of goods, and some took care of the smaller offspring.

Despite being on a journey, the valley appeared meticulously clean. Even the cultivated fields still bore crops that had sprouted green shoots. It seemed as though they weren’t headed to a distant northern land but were simply going out for a leisurely stroll, returning tonight.

The narrow paths winding through the valley had just been refurbished, making them smooth and clean. Even in the early morning, some were conducting their daily cleaning routines. Every action of the people expressed their reluctance to leave the valley and their love for it.

Some bid farewell by touching the houses they had newly constructed with their own hands, others waved at the lake’s surface, and some gazed around every corner of the valley, hoping to etch every detail into their memories. When they first arrived, this place was a refuge; now, as they departed, it had become their home.

They had spent the most comfortable winter here, learning once again to trust their teammates with their backs and taking a daring leap of faith together. The sadness of parting mingled with the thin morning mist, and though the mist dispersed, the sorrow remained.

Today was the day when the Shui Jing Gong people decided to officially migrate northward, and many had spent a sleepless night. Facing the unknown, people always harbored apprehensions. Especially after a cozy winter, venturing out of the valley for an exceedingly long migration required courage from everyone.

Concerning the road ahead, there were doubts, expectations, confusion, and longing. In truth, if it weren’t for Gu Langu and Shu Shuishui leading the way, this grand migration might not have succeeded.

Is living in the valley not good? With its protective barrier, favorable weather, no worries about mutated creatures, and no hunger, the valley, just as its name suggests, is indeed a crystal palace compared to the outside world.

However, when they saw the mutated rats preparing to migrate with their families, who could still dare to say they wanted to stay?

If the world had truly been destroyed, would they still be considered truly alive in their secluded corner? If the world had perished, would there be any meaning to their fortunate survival? These questions might seem distant and grand, but in reality, they were right in front of them, forcing them to make a choice.

In the end, all 253 members of Shui Jing Gong, along with 42 mutated gray rats, prepared for the grand migration.

After packing their bags, they set off in silence. When the sun had completely risen above the horizon, they had climbed to the mountain’s peak from the valley, and ahead of them was the descent from the mountain. However, the road would not continue all the way down to the base of the mountain because it had turned into an expanse of water. The melting snow had already filled the mountain valleys, forming vast hills, rivers, and streams.

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