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They finally calmed down from the incident and can now properly talk about it.
"It's just he's pretty much a creepy stalker since I broke up with him. Which I don't get because he always treated me like shit and cheated constantly." Hao says looking at his lap not making eye contact with anyone.
"You deserve better Hao." Gunwook says feeling sorry for him.
"I'm sorry we couldn't start the project earlier." Hao fidgets with his fingers.

Hanbin looks up taking Hao's hands, making Hao look at him. Hao's face flushed pink, this doesn't go unnoticed by his best friends who give each other a glance.
"This is nothing to be sorry for, you can't do anything about this. Your crazy ex shouldn't do stuff like this, he's the problem."

"I'm going to water my eyes again, they're burning." Taerae huffs while getting up, Gunwook quickly standing up too. Wanting to join Taerae.

Matthew tries to suppress his laugh but he ends up bursting out laughing, remembering what Taerae had told them what happened.
"I'm sorry but I wish I could've seen it." Matthew clenches his stomach.
"Wait. I can, Ricky, please give me the video footage from your security camera!" Matthew begs.
Everyone now looks at Ricky hopeful, now that Taerae is okay they just want to see it. They can't deny it.

Ricky quickly grabs his tablet opening the footage from the camera.
"Mmm I think it's around this time?" He scrolls back.

He shows the rest and Hao can't stop laughing he's rolling over the floor together with Matthew.
"Gyuvin thought he was some superhero!" Yujin says in between laughs.
"Look at Ricky's disappointed face after!" Hao laughs so hard tears start to run down his cheeks.
"As if my vision wasn't already bad enough, I wasn't even wearing my glasses." Taerae says laughing. "Okay but I'm going to wash my eyes out for real now."

"We should really start working on the project.." Hanbin says to Hao.
"Yeah we should.. But it's already so late. Can't we do it tomorrow? It's Friday tomorrow anyway so it doesn't matter how late it gets then." Hao whines.
"Well I hope my team will join and they're not on 'date night'!" Yujin laughs brightly.
"Oh you're never letting that go huh." Jiwoong says punching Yujin's shoulder lightly.
"If you want you guys can sleep over tomorrow and then work on the project?" Ricky suggests.

Then Hao suddenly notices it's already 10pm, and he's not too fond of the dark. In no way is het taking the bus home after that psycho ex showed up today.

"Ricky is it okay if I stay? I'm not taking the bus in the dark." Hao shivers as he looks out the window.
"Wait actually guys you can all stay today already, I don't want you to take the bus while it's already so dark out. Plus Hanbin can only take 4 people with him."
"Sure I'll call my parents to let them know."

- - - -

"Were not going to sleep already right?" Matthew says still full of energy.
"No let's play a game or something, plus Hao has already taken a nap. He doesn't need sleep anymore." Yujin jokes making Hao roll his eyes.
"Where is Kristen?" Taerae questions noticing she wasn't around the house when James broke in, neither is she now.
"Oh I told her she could take a break, I said I had everything under control." Ricky says.

Kristen isn't just their maid, he rather sees her as family. She's been there since he was young and whenever his parents were away, and he was home alone he still had Kristen. She always takes care of him and sees him as her son. And she also means a lot to his best friends, they've known her for so long she truly is one of them.

"What should we do guys?" Gyuvin asks excited. They all start thinking and decide to do something where they can get to know each other better.
"Truth or dare!" Matthew blurts out, way too enthusiastic.
"Seriously? That's such a stupid and childish game." Hao says annoyed not understanding the hype.
"We could get to know each other better because of it though." Jiwoong says shrugging, he would literally accept anything because he's bored.

They've been playing for a while and it's now Gyuvin's turn to pick someone.
"I pick Ricky!" He looks at him and Ricky thinks for a moment.
"Uh truth."
"What's the most embarrassing thing you've done?" Gyuvin asks wiggling his eyebrows.
"Oh! I know!" His three best friends say while trying to hold their laugh, failing miserably.
"Ah come on, that's way to embarrassing.." Ricky scratches his head awkwardly, making everyone look at him.

Ricky sighs deeply as he starts speaking:
"Please note this was not my best moment. So me, Hao, Matthew and Taerae were at the cinema, and it was a break so we decided to go to the toilet.." Ricky recalls the memory.
Hao can't hold it in anymore and starts laughing knowing how this is going to end.
"And uh it was really crowded in the toilet, I was waiting in line with the rest. And this kid in front of me says I can go, so I try to pass him but as I'm passing him.. His shirt gets stuck in my belt, he practically flew away making me stumble and fall... right into the trashcan.." Ricky mumbles the last words.

The rest burst out laughing.
"How'd you even react after!" Gunwook says in between laughs.
They were all clenching their stomachs imagining Ricky in the trash can and some kid falling on the floor because of him.

"You should've seen his face, covered in trash and don't forget the white shirt that wasn't so white anymore! He doesn't even like it when he gets some water on him!" Taerae let's out some giggles.
"Don't forget to mention he refuses to go to the toilet there since the incident." Hao adds laughing.

Hanbin looks to his right where Hao is sitting, whenever he laughs he feels like everything that made him worry just seems to vanish. Like some cure. He's a fascinating creature he thought.

"Okay! Enough of that! I choose Hanbin." Ricky says smirking, he makes eye contact with Taerae and Matthew.
Oh he's planning something. They both immediately get that he's up to something.

"Um! I'll choose dare." He says brave.
Making the rest say some 'ooohh's'.
"I dare you to tell us who the best looking person in the room is." Ricky says smug.
Everyone snaps their head to Hanbin expectingly.

Hanbin feels himself heat up, he doesn't even need to think about this question. But making him say it out loud makes him a tad shy.

Hao for some reason already felt some jealousy, Hanbin would never pick him. But then again he doesn't care about Hanbin, right? whenever he's around Hao feels strange.

"Uh sure! I personally think it's Hao." He says nodding.
"HUH?" Hao suddenly blurts out, not knowing he practically yelled it out.

Hii guys I'm not much alive tbh😭
I came home at 4am and woke up at 8am bcs there was a storm, so I didn't sleep much- I'm currently on zombie mode so I'm sorry if this chapter sucks/

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