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"Were almost there!" Hanbin said way too enthusiastic.
"I've been walking for hours, days, maybe even years!" Gyuvin says dramatic as he slenters behind the 4 guys.
"You're not even carrying anything, why're you whining!" Gunwook says offended.
"Excuse me? Not carrying anything!" Gyuvin starts, making everyone look at him.
"Don't you say it." Yujin says with a warning tone.

"I'm carrying..."
"Don't say it, I beg you."
"I will."
"I'm carrying this!" He says pointing to the most tiniest candle ever. "And of course I'm carrying this group, without me it would be so unfunny." Gyuvin joked, making everyone roll their eyes.

After a while of walking and a lot of whining they were almost at the place.
"Why couldn't you just ask him out like a normal person." Yujin sighs as his arms feel like giving in from the stuff he's carrying.
"Right like are you asking him out, or are you trying to propose or something?" Gunwook laughs.
"He's raising the standards!" Jiwoong laughed.

They were finally at the spot and they all put their stuff down, feeling relieved. Yes even Gyuvin who literally only carried a small candle.
"Let's set it up?" Hanbin smiled.

"I don't understand why you guys want to go to the forbidden forest?! I've been there, I've done that." Hao says annoyed as he follows his friends towards the forbidden forest.
"Why's it even called forbidden, they make it sound so interesting? The only thing that attacked you there was mud." Ricky laughed.

Hao hit Ricky (he always gets hit),  he started scolding him that it wasn't funny and that he felt like some mud monster.

"Um, you guys what is that." Matthew suddenly says pointing at something in the distance.
"Stop joking it's not funny I'm actually scared!" Taerae said annoyed.
"Does it look like I'm joking?!" Matthew said sounding almost desperate.
"I'm going to scream if it moves!" Ricky moves behind Hao.
"Don't move behind me! I'm not dying first!" Hao yells pushing Ricky away.

The thing Matthew saw indeed starts to move. This made them all panic and start running around like crazy people.

"Stop running I can't breathe!" Taerae yells.
"Ain't no way I'm stopping! That thing is coming towards us!" Ricky says as he keeps sprinting (he would be dying if it wasn't for the adrenaline.)
"What even is that! Do something!" Hao was flapping his arms around as he was running.
"Stop what if it's a bear!" Matthew screams starting to run even faster.

The thing they saw kept moving toward them and as it came closer, they saw it was.. a person?

"Why're you guys running?" The figure yelled at them.
"Do not stop running! Keep on going guys!" Hao screamed as he pushed Ricky which made him stumble and land on the ground.

They all stopped as they dragged Ricky from the floor, trying to sprint away again until the figure was next to them.
"Are you fine?!" Gyuvin asked as he immediately grabbed Ricky.
"How could you not say it was you! Why're you chasing us like some lunatic!" Matthew starts lecturing him.
"Who the fuck starts sprinting away?!" Gyuvin talked back.
"You could've said it was you! I saw my future disappear!" Taerae was out of breath, he planted himself on the floor as he tries to regain a normal heartbeat.

They all try to calm down. Ricky was holding onto Gyuvin, he had hurt his ankle when he fell down to the floor.

"What're you even doing here?!" Hao said almost sounding like an angry mother.
"Oh I was.. Taking a walk." Gyuvin lies smiling awkwardly to Hao.
"Were you meeting someone behind Ricky's back?!" Hao said mouth dropping.
"No I would ne-" Gyuvin started but got shushed.
"You were weren't you?! Ricky open your eyes." Hao says looking at Ricky.

Ricky was almost burst out laughing if he didn't have such a painful ankle. He couldn't believe that Hao thought Gyuvin was seeing someone else. But then again he couldn't tell Hao why he was in the forest, because that would ruin the surprise for Hao.

"Hao, you three continue going in the forest I think I'm going back with Gyuvin. I really hurt my ankle." Ricky smiles at the three.
"No I'll come along instead of Gyuvin." Hao looks at Gyuvin suspicious.
"No Hao you're coming with us." Matthew says pulling him away from Ricky.
"Bitch why would you think Gyuvin would ever cheat on Ricky?" Taerae laughs as he sees Gyuvin picking Ricky up.

Hao scratched the back of his head, he just doesn't want to see his best friend get hurt.

They were almost there, and Taerae and Matthew were so happy because their feet were hurting and they were done with all the suspiciousness.

"What's going on?" Hao said as he squints his eyes, noticing Hanbin in the distance with flowers.


I've been so busy and these weeks have been insane, I'm barely holding on lmao
No but here's an update, it's not a lot & I think I'm going to finish the story soon :) <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2023 ⏰

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