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Hao had dragged his best friends into his tent.
"First of all. WHAT THE FUCK. Second of all WHAT THE FUCK?!"

Hao had seen too much in a short period of time. What is wrong with this day? Is it kiss your friend day and keep it a secret? Or kiss your friend day and sprint away after?!

"Why are you so stressed?" Ricky asks looking at both Matthew and Taerae who looked pretty suspicious.
"The real questions is why are you covered in mud..." Taerae asks having a disgusted look on his face as he looks Hao up and down.
"Yeah like.. were you trying to swim in mud or?" Matthew adds giggling.
"THAT'S the real question?! I was about to dump a secret on all of you! But now I'm carrying all of y'all's secrets?!" Hao was beyond frustrated, why does this even happen to him.

Now everyone was silent and looked around nervously. The 3 knew exactly what he was talking about, but the 3 didn't know from each other.

"I've had a terrible day! I'm still tasting mud!" Hao says dramatic, wiping some mud of his face.
"Does it taste good though?" Ricky asks smirking.
"Oh? Let me ask you something," Hao says with the biggest grin on his face. "Does Gyuvin taste good though?" He said mimicking Ricky's voice.

Matthew and Taerae were shocked their mouths dropping open, this was going to be a good night!
"Oh you did not." Ricky says shocked.

"I can't believe this. Ricky how could you not tell?!" Taerae said offended. "How did the mud taste though Hao?" He adds laughing.
"Really Taerae? You're one to talk." Hao was on a roll, he was DONE. He wanted to go home.
"Oh well maybe I was just joking. I'll sit in the corner." Taerae says laughing awkwardly as he moves back.

"Our precious Taerae, who doesn't keep secrets. He was spotted making out with non other than!" Hao takes a long pause to keep the tension. "Park Gunwook."

"I so knew it! You sneaky bitch, not telling me! I so knew!" Matthew laughs clapping in his hands.
"This is great I'm actually having the time of my life, I don't even care that I got exposed!" Ricky laughs as tears start forming in his eyes.
"We're not even official don't start now!" Taerae scoffs throwing some pillows at the three.

Now all the eyes turned on Matthew.
"Last but not least!" Hao smiles having a mischievous grin on his face.
"It can only mean one thing guys." Ricky says as he points at Matthew.
"Right he's calling me a sneaky bitch look at him being all sneaky!" Taerae smiles rolling his eyes.
"Got caught red handed with none other than Kim Jiwoong." Hao says making a bow acting like he's accepting an applause from the crowd.

Matthew doesn't even mind he starts to wave like some king, and gives himself an applause. "Thank you, thank you!" He says as he shakes Taerae's hand.

"Now I feel less embarrassed about myself, never mind scratch that. Mine is more embarrassing, y'all seem pretty happy." Hao says as he takes a deep sigh.

"I was actually definitely not going to keep it a secret, I wanted to spill as soon as you 3 were here." Matthew shrugs chuckling.
"Yeah same actually." Taerae and Ricky add.

"Be honest am I unable to love?" Hao sighs laying himself down next to his mattress, so it doesn't get dirty.
"Right now or.. like when you're showered?" Taerae jokes.
"Ahh really!" Hao whines.

"Of course you're able to love! You're amazing, honestly look at you. How can you not be loved?!" Taerae says sincere.
"Hao seriously what happened?" Matthew says in a sad tone.

Hao starts telling the story from all the way from the beginning, of how they were going to the forbidden forest to the end.

"And so he suddenly says 'Sorry, it was a mistake.' and starts sprinting away like some lunatic?!" Hao huffs, he sits up straight.
"He left you behind?" Ricky asks raising his brow.
"Yes. Like it was already getting a little dark, so obviously I was scared as fuck and then I fell in the mud! Then mister perfect suddenly shows up, acting like some hot hero, which he totally wasn't!" Hao says dramatic.

"Should I cut his hair in the night as revenge?" Matthew asks way too excited.
"What the fuck? Are you insane?! Why're you even suggesting that!" Taerae says hitting Matthew with a pillow.
"Maybe it would cheer me up." Hao jokes.

He was glad he could tell his best friends, but his friends could be unhelpful at times. But they always got his back. It felt nice sharing it with someone.

"I want complete silence, I'm dropping a bomb." Ricky says putting his hands in the air.
Whenever he says this, it's like saying he's going to say the most genius thing ever. And sadly, it mostly was the best advice out of them all.

"You said he kissed you but you froze, which means you didn't kiss him back. Meaning he thought you didn't want to kiss him," Ricky starts using a lot of hand gestures. "Now listen, he started sprinting away because he was embarrassed, he thought he hurt your feelings," He continues as everyone was listening attentively. "Then later he noticed he actually left you behind, and it was turning dark. He tried to find you but, shit, he didn't know the right way back to you," He says putting his hand in front of his mouth, trying to look 'shocked'. "When he finally found you, you were beyond angry. Because you're moody as fuck." He finished proud.

The 3 were looking at him with big eyes, this definitely was 'the bomb'. He couldn't believe he acted faster, than actually thinking the whole situation through. He should've let Hanbin talk, and not jump to conclusions.

"He might be mad at me though, I made him shut up the whole way back." Hao scratches the back of his head awkwardly.
"You make us shut up 24/7 and you don't feel guilty." Taerae jokes earning a hit from Hao.
"Please just go shower, I can't believe you got in this tent. It's all muddy now. You and mud should be a couple at this point." Matthew chuckles also earning a hit.
"Go shower and then go find Hanbin. Seriously go shower! And use a lot of soap, like a lot. Maybe like the whole bottle." Ricky tries to hold his laugh as he points at Hao's whole body.

Hao was now glaring at the 3, seriously another mud joke? This isn't going away is it?

"I'll go shower! Where is my shampoo?" Hao says as he is searching through his bag.
"Huh what an odd place, I swear I placed it in here.. Oh well." Hao takes his toiletries, sticking his tongue out at the rest and then walks out of the tent.

"Sooo what's going on? When did this happen?" Matthew smirks looking at Ricky and at Taerae, wanting the updates on their love life.
"I don't even know, it was with the envelope game." Taerae chuckles recalling the memory.
"WHAT?! Me too!" Matthew says happily high-fiving Taerae.

Ricky awkwardly shifts around knowing that him and Gyuvin had a thing for a few days now..
"Tell us now Ricky!" Matthew says wiggling his eyebrows.
And so Ricky told them everything.

Will Haobin get together?? 🫣

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