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What just happened?
I don't know how long I've been sitting here, but it looks like it's getting dark!

Wait... I'm left behind in the forbidden forest?! This is just great, just amazing.

Who doesn't want to get kissed by their crush, then get left behind in a forest?! I don't even know how late it is right now, but looking at the sky I'm sure it's already evening.

Hao decides to get up and look around, but as he looks around there isn't much to see. Around him are just trees and it's pretty dark..

Why does this happen to me?! I don't even want to go through this stupid forest alone!
Great. Who even sprints away?!
I should just stay calm.. and walk.

"AAAAH!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. This massive spider had landed right onto me!
"GET IT OFF!" I started smacking myself trying to get it off as I kept on running. Of course running was a mistake..
"ACK-" And there I landed right in some mud.

Great now my whole outfit plus my face is muddy, I can't believe this!
What did I even think?! Why did I even think Hanbin would like me?

Of course he didn't, he kissed me purely because of the mood. He doesn't even like me. I should have never even tried to get closer to him, it's all my fault.
Tears start to form in my eyes until I can't hold it in anymore and I start to cry loudly.

"I'm so stupid.." I mumbled, and looked down. But as I looked down I saw one of Hanbin's rings?
I was about to just throw it away as far as possible, but something inside me made me keep it.
"Ugh this is so stupid, I'll just steal his ring." I put it on my finger.

Here I was still walking, trying to get out of this damned forest! The mud was just everywhere, my face, my clothes, my shoes and probably like in my clothes as well!
I'm beyond angry, I'm going to go mental if somebody doesn't get me out of here!

I kept on walking that was until I suddenly heard a faint, "Hao.". In no way am I going to respond?!
What if it's some weird vampire, I don't care that you say 'they're not real'. If they're sucking my blood, it's very real to me!

"Hao?" Mmm that kinda sounded like.. "Hanbin?!"
"Hao! I'm so sorry I shouldn't have left you there." Hanbin looked down, it looked like he had been crying.

At this point I'm just pissed off by seeing him. Ain't no way he's going to leave me there and now show up like some hero?!

"Whatever I can get out of here myself." I said clicking my tongue. Starting to walk away as I say 'aggressively'.

"Hao.. I felt bad because.." Hanbin starts, but I know I'll forgive him immediately if I just look at him. I got to get out of here!
"Please leave me alone." My voice broke, I didn't notice that I was crying again.
"Hao it's dark, I don't want you to go alone." Hanbin said the way his voice sounded, almost broke my heart in pieces.

At this point, I don't want to be near Hanbin. But I definitely don't want to go back alone. Why is life making things so difficult for me, why can't I just have a normal day?

"Okay we'll go back together but I don't want you to even say one word."
I know that sounds insane, but believe me, if you hear him talk you start to fall for him. And right now, I can't afford that.
"But can I-" Hanbin looked almost desperate to say something, but right now I just don't want to hear any of it.
He kissed me, he regret it, then he left me.

"Please just.. stay quiet.. Let's just head back." I've never felt worse I think, it was like my heart was shattering with every step I took.
I couldn't look at him. Even the fact he stayed quiet made me mad, because he respected my wishes.

Maybe I'm just being rude? Because I actually do like him more than friends, and he doesn't?
I can't force him to like me.. Oh there the tears are welling up in my eyes again. Just got to blink crazy so they'll go away.

I noticed that Hanbin kept on staring at me, and precisely at my hand. Oh right, I put his ring there.
"Oh I'm sorry, I found it." I quickly grab it off my hand and want to hand it back. Hanbin suddenly stops me, shaking his head and pushing my hand back. Yes he still wasn't talking.

We could finally see the tents from a distance, I was so glad we were back. It didn't even cross my mind that I'm sharing a tent with Hanbin.

I needed to find my friends, I need to just find peace again. And calm down, I don't think that'll happen but oh well.

Hanbin's eyes hadn't left me once on the way back, I knew he wanted to say something. But I just don't want to hear it I guess, maybe I'm the bad guy. Eh I'm not Billie Eilish so I guess I'm not.

I practically starting running away as the tents kept on coming closer in our view. Yes now I was the one leaving Hanbin behind, iconic, I know.

I ran straight (yes straight why're you laughing?) to Ricky's tent. I didn't even think about knocking, or saying something I just burst right in. Which you know is a mistake..

"MY EYES!" I yelled out. I kinda forgot Gyuvin was also in the tent.. well yeah.
"Dude. Can you not burst in?! Also what's with all the mud..." Ricky threw a pillow at me.

"Ricky come out now!"
"I'm already out." He laughed at his own joke.
"Oh you shut up and get your ass out here! I'm talking serious level 100."

As Ricky was getting out, I decided to go to Matthew's tent. Again I just burst in.

"AAAH!" What is going on today? I'm gone for a few hours and this is what's new?!"
"HAO?!" Matthew yelled and again I got a pillow against my muddy face. Jokes on him because now his pillow is muddy.

Oh for info I walked in on Jiwoong and Matthew making out. My eyes were about to give in.

"Can you not tell anyone please?" Jiwoong said apologetic. "Oh and why're you so muddy?"
Seriously, why do I keep on walking in on shit like this?! I'm just on some secret mission here.
"Yeah yeah I won't tell a soul, Matthew come find me when you're ready. Serious level 100."

And I was off again to find Taerae.
I'm just confused as to what's going on?! Okay Gyuvin and Ricky, saw it before. Shock wasn't that big. But when did this happen?! Matthew and Jiwoong?! I'll just ask them later, right now Taerae.

You think I would learn, and I would say something or even hit the tent so they know I'm there. But I, Zhang Hao, don't do that.
I burst in.

"Hao what the fuck are you doing?!"

Why is everyone making out like it's some school project?! My eyes have seen enough.

"Can you not tell any-" Gunwook started, making me almost roll my eyes.
"Yeah I won't tell anyone blabla, now Taerae please come." I said almost sounding bored.
It was like almost nothing could shock me anymore.
At least I know everyone's secret, this is great!

"Why're you covered in mud though?"

Why's he covered in mud?

I couldn't care less! [Haobin]Where stories live. Discover now