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Meanwhile with Taerae and Matthew the plan was going smoothly, the only problem was: Hanbin didn't want to see the two girls.
If they found out they were just endlessly walking, they would probably murder them on the way. So seeing Hanbin it is...
They could only hope Hao and Ricky would quickly obtain the fish and place them in the tent.

"What are we going to do!" Taerae said panicked.
"Let me take this one." Matthew said turning around stopping the girls from walking.

They already looked confused, why would they stop? They were going straight to Hanbin right?

"What're we doing? We should get going, he needs me." Hana rolled her eyes.
"Uh of course! But.. we can't.. show up empty handed!" Matthew says proud, he totally deserved a prize for this one he thought.

The girls angry face cleared up, Taerae made eye contact with Matthew as he nodded and gave a thumbs up. Phew.

"Of course! I need to give him something, he'll be so thankful he will take me out on a date!" Hana said dreamy.
"What should we get him?" Lilly asks waking Hana out of her dreamworld.
"There is no we! I'm getting him something, you're lucky you can tag along!" She scoffed pushing passed Lilly.

The three quickly followed behind Hana, trying to keep up.
Taerae was beyond disgusted, how could someone act like that?
Matthew was just thinking of his victory, the fish will definitely get in place on time. Well or at least that's what he thinking, he trusted his best friends.

"Im getting him flowers! Freshly picked from the ground, now Lilly please pick those flowers." Hana bossed her around, pointing at a little flower perk next to the bathroom cabin.
"I don't think you can-" Taerae started but Matthew shushed him, quickly taking him aside.

"What do you think you're doing? She can't just yank these flowers out of there! This is a private ground, she will have to pay for that if anyone finds out!" Taerae started, but then suddenly realized that it was a good thing. "Oh, nevermind."
"Right it's great! Let her pick all these flowers. Plus Hanbin aka class president won't like that!" Matthew laughed, he was having the time of his life.


"Hurry up let's get out of here!" Hao says as he and Ricky sprint out of the cafeteria.
"Get that damn fish out of my shirt!" Ricky whisper yells as he shudders at the feeling.
"No! It's better hidden like that we'll take it out in the tent." Hao snickers at Ricky's face.
"She's your problem why I'm I the one with fish in the shirt?!" Ricky sighs as he gives up and starts walking.
"Your plan." Hao shrugs.

They try to act as normal as possible as they walk passed all the tents, until they see the girls their tent.
"Nobody can see me getting in. You stay outside as a look out." Hao says lowering his pace.
"Just get going before I puke again." Ricky pushes Hao closer to the tent.

They check their surroundings and when they see no one is looking, Hao swiftly grabs the fish out of Ricky's shirt and he enters the tent.
Now where should he put it?
Hao saw a bag full of clothing, perfect. He put the clothes to the side and then the fish next to it. Then he put the clothing over it again.

He gets out of the tent, grabbing Ricky and leaving without looking too suspicious.
"Oh look there's the rest." Ricky says pointing in the distance, they didn't really have a clear view but Ricky spotted Taerae.

They walk towards them and as they walk closer they could see, Matthew, Taerae, Hanbin and yes of course Hana and Lilly. They hold their distance.

"Huh I don't really remember why I would have wanted to see you?" Hanbin says confused as he tries to remember.
"It doesn't matter I'm here now, and I brought you a present." Hana giggles.

Matthew and Taerae looked at each other cringing, why did they have to be here again..

"Oh you really didn't have to." Hanbin says not really understanding what's going on, what a weird evening he thought.
"Here you go!" She showed the flowers, making Hanbin's mouth make an O shape.
"Wow.. um. Thank you, where did you buy these?" He was thankful he just didn't understand why he randomly got flowers.

Now Hana felt amazing, she saw Hao and motioned for him to come over. Him and Ricky went over. Hanbin's eyes immediately locked with Hao's.

Hana cleared her throat getting everyone's attention.

"I, yes me, picked them out myself. From the flower perk over there!" She smiled proudly, she stuck her tongue out at Hao making him roll his eyes.
"What?" Hanbin says confused looking at the flowers in his hand. "You can't do that, that's private property. You can't steal these flowers, I'm really thankful for your uh hard work but that's not allowed." Hanbin says pushing the flowers in her hands.

Hana's mouth fell open. "It was Lilly! She pulled them out of there!" She yelled blaming Lilly, trying to save her from embarrassment.
She quickly grabbed Lilly's hand as she ran away.

"Do you guys smell that awful stanky stank?" Matthew says holding his nose.
"Yeah, what is that. My nose is starting to rot away!" Taerae says dramatically, looking around.

Ricky quietly backed away, running to the bathroom cabin. Nobody has noticed him right? This man was going to wash himself so much. He smelled terrible, puke.. fish..
The things he goes through for his best friend.

"Mm I don't smell anything anymore." Hanbin smiles. "Hi Hao. Let's go to our tent, it's already getting late." He smiles taking Hao's hand in his, walking away.

Matthew and Taerae look at each other.
"This is actually the biggest revenge, why didn't he just flex that Hanbin is into him." Taerae sighs, thinking of how he could've spend his evening instead.
"Right! But I can't wait for her to enter her tent! This is amazing, we should do this more often." Matthew laughs.

"Let's go. I need to sleep,"  Taerae says yawning. "Don't you say anything about this to Jiwoong! I know how you start blabbing your mouth out of boredom, but not today! I didn't spend my evening like this just for our plan to be exposed." Taerae sighs looking at Matthew.

Matthew smiled at Taerae, putting his thumbs up as he enters his own tent.
Taerae just knew it couldn't have gone this easy, he just knew something must've went wrong. Sooner or later, their plan will be exposed. He was sure of it, he just needed to make sure that wasn't going to happen..

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