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Hao and Hanbin went inside their tent again, finally having some alone time.

"Why were you in the kitchen earlier?" Hanbin asked, Hao noticed he wasn't mad or anything he was just confused.
"We were looking for snacks and then we thought teachers arrived." Hao shrugged not wanting to really continue telling a lie.

Hanbin came closer to Hao, Hanbin's face was practically only a few inches away from Hao. This made Hao breath get stuck in his throat.
"Are you sure?" Hanbin smiled sly, placing his hands in Hao's hair.
"Uh yes." Hao quickly choked out, why was there no air?!

Hanbin continued to look straight into Hao's eyes, not breaking eye contact as he played with Hao's hair.
Hao wanted to know how it felt to breathe again, because right now air was pricey.

"Why was Ricky throwing up?" Hanbin asked having a smirk on his lips. He can clearly see how flustered Hao was right now. Was Hao even functioning?
"Ah he wasn't feeling to well.." Hao gulped as he tried to avoid eye contact, which was literally impossible at how close Hanbin was.

Hanbin could sense he wasn't getting the full story, but sooner or later he'd be hearing it anyways right?

"You're beautiful, you know that right?" Hanbin says against Hao's lips, making Hao's heartbeat quicken so much he could probably explode.
As they were about to fully kiss, their tent busted open.
"Guys come outside! This is hilarious!" Yujin laughed, not really fully looking at the situation in front of him.

Hanbin felt like he had never sighed louder, was this really necessary. This totally ruined the moment.
Hao swiftly stood up as he moved his clothes in place again and left the tent, his face still pink.
Hanbin closely followed after.

"What's going on?" Hanbin asked confused seeing almost every student stand outside and laugh.
"Hana and Lilly's tent smells like fish, well and they do too." Gunwook says snickering.

Hao acted like he didn't know what was going on, he saw Ricky come out of the bathroom cabin and quickly ran to him. Dragging him to Taerae and Matthew.

"She still hasn't found the fish!" Matthew laughs, some tears escaping his eyes.
"That tent smells nasty! It's impossible to sleep there." Taerae shudders, and gives a wink to Hao.

Hao did feel pretty good about what he did, but he knew this war wasn't over. She probably already knows who did this, and she'd get revenge. Hao's hair wasn't even that bad, she'd get him back.

"That smell will never leave her, she just became a fish." Gyuvin says as he approaches the four, he throws an arm around Ricky's shoulders.
"You just can't save that tent, it's finished. Like I'm sure it'll just rot away any second." Ricky chuckles, placing his arms around Gyuvin's waist.

"Would you still love me if I was a fish?" Gyuvin asked half joking, looking at Ricky.
"Don't be ridiculous, of course I wouldn't. What kind of lunatic is in love with a fish?" Ricky laughs hitting Gyuvin in the stomach.
"But I blub you?" Gyuvin laughs.
"I'm cringing so hard guys, I'm not even comfy anymore." Yujin says looking at the two with a weirded out look.

While they were all talking Hao decided to leave real quick, he needed to breathe. What if someone found out it was him? What if they actually find the fish in her bag?
Hao was panicking.

But Taerae noticed Hao left and quickly followed behind him.

"Nobody's gonna know, calm down." Taerae smiles.
"Would you murder me if I put a fish in your tent?!" Hao asks sounding crazy.
"Honey calm down. Yes I would. But on a real note why're you asking me this?" Taerae said raising his brow.
"She obviously knows it's me, and she's going to get revenge. AGAIN." Hao sighs, lowering his head.
"Okay so? We'll make clear no one messes with THE Zhang Hao~ Plus it's only 2 more days of camp!" Taerae pulls Hao in for a hug.

Only two more days. It's weird what happened in those passed few days.

Meanwhile the rest was standing together, the mentors came to look at the tent and had decided that the girls would have to join another tent. Let's just say that the smell made you gag (or throw up, like Ricky! Lovely).
So Hana was placed with two other girls, and Lilly got placed in a tent with two other girls.

"Um guys I've been meaning to ask you all for some help.." Hanbin started of, catching everyone's attention. "I've been meaning to ask Hao to be my boyfriend, but I wanted to make it special." He smiled at the rest.
"YES! He needs special!" Matthew screeches.
"Finallyyy." Ricky snickers dragging his sentence.
"What were you imagining of doing?" Gunwook asks curious.

Hanbin thought this through a lot of times, but he thinks he has it figured out exactly the way he wants.
The place they first kissed, which was actually a disaster, but we don't talk about that. And even though it's in the forbidden forest, he still wants to go because he never fell harder for someone than in that moment.
He was going to place a blanket on the ground, with roses around it. They'd picknick there, and play some music.

When the sun starts to go under, he would ask him out. Which Hao hopefully says yes to, but Hanbin is sure of it.

"We'll help you set it up!" Jiwoong says supportive.
"When are you planning on asking?" Yujin asks curious.
"I'm hoping tomorrow, I know a period where we have free. We could all get there and set it up, and then in the evening I'd get Hao and take him there." Hanbin says proud.

"You better treat him right." Ricky says stern pointing a finger at Hanbin.
"Wouldn't treat him any other way!"

The guys all went back to their tents.
Hana was beyond angry, she knew this had to be Hao. The problem was when she moved her bag, it still smelled like fish?

She started to throw all her stuff out until she saw it: A fish. There was actually a fish in there!

"Oh you are so dead Zhang Hao!" She whispered under her breath as she threw the fish away.

Did you guys see Hanbin with Jaehyun and Sohee 😭🫶

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