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Hao's face is now totally red, and his stomach feels weird.
What is this feeling? I'm probably having a stomach ache, this is no reaction on what Hanbin said at all he thought to himself.

"I- I'm using the toilet!" Hao quickly stands up and scurries out of the room.
Of course his best friends chase him, leaving the rest in Ricky's room.

"Do you think he hates me?" Hanbin asks his best friends.
"You can't be serious right? He's face was practically a tomato, I think it's quite the opposite." Jiwoong chuckled.
"Whenever he's around you it's like he's malfunctioning." Gunwook laughs as he pushes Hanbin lightly.
"Waaaaiit, but are you saying you're actually interested?" Gyuvin stands up, eyes wide open.
"I don't know, yes? I'd like to get to know him better of course, it's just I find him so interesting.." Hanbin seems lost in his thoughts, when suddenly Yujin jumps up and says:
"My masterplan, I call it 'Haobin'. First off, we need smooth Hanbin okay..." He keeps on telling his 'great' plan.


Hao arrived at the giant bathroom immediately laying himself down in the bathtub.
The three sprint in practically screaming and jumping around, making Hao jump from the sudden noise.

"Oh he wants you!" Ricky jokes.
"Be honest your heart is fluttering because you are NOT sitting on the toilet, you are straight up laying in a bathtub." Taerae makes all kind of different hearts.
"Tell us now straight up, no lies, what's the deal Hao?!" Matthew says smug coming close to Hao's face, making him push Matthew away.
"Please remove me from this situation." Hao whines throwing his arms around.
"Just spill everything that's on your mind, no filter." Ricky walks over to Hao sitting next to the bath tub.

Hao thinks for a moment if he should just say everything that's racing through his mind, he's too tired to lie right now so he just starts ranting.

"It's just I do find him interesting, but I don't want that. He'll lie and he'll break my heart. Like I build that wall, like call me Bob." The rest laugh at Hao's statement, letting him continue.
"So yeah I might be flustered because come on, it's unfair that he's that attractive! But it'll pass, I don't need this guys. I'm staying single, forever." Hao shrugs.
"Hao.. not everyone is like James you know." Taerae has a sad expression, knowing Hao just has a hard time trusting people.

Suddenly there it is, thick tears rolling down Hao's cheeks. Making the rest plop inside of the bathtub hugging him tightly.

"James was kind and attentive too before we got into an official relationship.. I just don't believe anyone will stay loyal and respectful towards me. My head is saying no." Hao quietly sniffles while holding onto his friends.
They all turn their head seeing Kristen stand in the doorway. She quickly scurries over to them and joins the hug.
"Tell me Hao. Instead of what your head is saying, what does your heart say?"


"Yujin in the kindest way possible, please stop talking. You've been talking about your masterplan for about 10 whole minutes." Gyuvin says while laying down in Ricky's bed.

"Okay but another thing, Gunwook, giving Taerae your number?" Jiwoong winks at him, and Hanbin immediately turns to Gunwook excitedly.
"What can I say, he's good looking and has personality." Gunwook shrugs not embarrassed by the sudden exposure.

"Okay but we're not just forgetting team 'date night', like Jiwoong and Matthew. And what's going on with you Gyuvin, constantly running after Ricky?" Yujin starts pointing fingers, making Hanbin laugh.
"No comment." Jiwoong says laughing.
Gyuvin is embarrassed hiding his face in Ricky's pillow.

"Ooh look a picture book." Gunwook says grabbing it off of Ricky's desk.
There's a picture of Ricky and Hao where they look really young, probably from elementary school. Hao and Ricky have short black hair, and they're wearing a school uniform smiling brightly at the camera.

They keep on looking through the pictures, until there is more recent pictures.
"Oohh look at this picture." Yujin points laughing.
It was a picture where it looks like Taerae is scolding Matthew, and Hao is staring at them blankly while Ricky is having the biggest smile while taking the selfie.

There were also a lot of pictures while they were partying, one where Hao was laying on the floor drooling.
Or one where Taerae is throwing up while Matthew stands next to him with his thumbs up.
"These pictures are amazing, I wish I was there." Hanbin says smiling.

"Hi were back." Ricky looks puzzled as to why everyone was standing around his desk.
"Oh! Ricky's picture book!" Matthew makes his way over to the desk, laughing as he sees the pictures they're looking at.
They all walk over, just completely forgetting what happened before (which Hao is thankful for).
"Oh come on, seriously this picture." Taerae gives an annoyed expression.

"I'll show you guys the guest rooms. You can go with two in one room or alone." Ricky opens the first guest room, making Yujin lose his breath.
"How is this a guest room, can I please live here forever."

They all went over to a room, Hanbin choosing a solo room. Gyuvin rooms with Yujin and Gunwook with Jiwoong.
Taerae and Matthew claim a room and Hao decides he goes for a solo room, because his energy is absolutely drained.

It was currently 1am, and they were all tired. They were not happy that school was starting at 9, meaning they'll not get much sleep.

Hao has a hard time falling asleep, having way too much thoughts. He's extremely tired, but his mind won't let him sleep.

I have neck pain ❤️ /
Thank you everyone for reading the story I hope you're still enjoying it! <3

I couldn't care less! [Haobin]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora