part 11

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Maya got in her car and went straight to the shop. She walked in seeing everybody working.

"Hey boss lady," Kim said

"Good afternoon all," Maya said going back

She walked in seeing Tina in her chair going through her paperwork

"Damn nosey bitch" Maya said laughing

"Well, you're like 2 hours late. And if the paperwork needs to be done I'll get it done" Tina said

Maya always trusted Tina. She knows everything. And she makes sure Maya never falls behind on anything. Tina was a nurse but in her free time, she was always around Maya's shop helping out.

"So any word from Monica weird ass?" Tina asked

"Hell nah and I don't plan on hearing anything else after this whole sister shit," Maya said sitting down.

"But you gone see her again she works with your man," Tina said

"Should get that bitch fired. But I ain't that grimy" Maya said laughing.

Maya's phone begins to ring seeing it's Greg.

"Hold on it's my man," Maya said smiling


"What's up baby? How do you sleep?" He asked

"Good actually. And thanks for the outfit and new shoes" she said lifting her feet and looking at the heels.

"Anything for you. I'll be headed out for lunch in like a 1 or 2 meet me" he said

"Okay baby just text me to locating and I'll come," she said

"No I'll be to pick you up myself," he said

"Okay Daddy," she said

"Alright I'll see you in a bit," he said hanging up.


"Nasty heffa," Tina said laughing

"Girl the sex I had last night this daddy," Maya said laughing

"Okay great and look at me lonely no dick," Tina said

"What happened to Greg's friend?" Maya asked

"I mean he's okay but he's not what I want. He got money but it's not enough" Tina said

"Well keep him around and make him a fling," Maya said laughing.

"I'm not a hoe," Tina said

Maya laughed. Kim walked in.

"Hey Maya there's a girl out here for you," Kim said

"Okay I'll be out in a minute," she said

Maya and Tina walked out to see a short girl mixed with long ass hair.

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