part 15

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Mason and Nia pulled up to the shop. Going in seeing everybody leaving out.

"What's up y'all," Maya said coming from the back.

"Shit, you ready for this?" Mason asked

"Nah not really. But I'm ready for it to be over" she said

Tina pulled up getting out.

"Yoo," Tina said walking in

"HeyTinaa," Nia said

"Heeeeey. What's going on? Yall ain't never in here" Tina said

"Meeting Monica here," Mason said

"You what?" She asked confused

"Yeah we decided to talk to her," Mason said

"Damn Maya wasn't gone let me know?" She asked

"Nah, cause I know how my bestie likes to get," Maya said

"See now I'll be on my best behavior," Tina said pointing her finger being sarcastic

"That right there is why," Maya said laughing

"What?" Tina said laughing..

Monica pulled up outside with her dude.

"You ready for this?" He asked

"No, but fuck it let's go," she said getting out.

Monica walked in and saw Maya, Mason, Nia, and Tina.

"What's up?" Mason said looking at Monica dude

"What's up my boy," Jon said

Mason dapped Jon up. Mason knew Jon from a job they used to work at together when he first moved over here.

"So show Mason the paperwork," Tina said

"Tina" Maya said

"Okay let me go sit down," Tina said

"Look Maya you can hate me not talk to me forever but I just wanted to put our past life behind us. I know what I did was fucked up. But I still loved...

Maya stopped her

"Save it," Maya said putting her hand up.

Mason grabbed the paperwork and looked at it.

"Damn," Mason said

"Look Monica all we knew was we were adopted and never knew who our real folks and you telling me we've been around yall for years and nobody knew?" Maya asked

"No. Why do you think I was surprised as well? I ain't wanna bump into you again myself." Monica

And for once Maya can agree with Monica

"They know?" Maya asked

"Everyone does," she said

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