part 13

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Maya left the shop pulling up at Mason and nia house. She got out knocking on the door. She hasn't spoken to her brother in days.

"What are you doing here?" Mason asked

"Ain't seen you in some days that's why. Let me in" Maya said moving Mason out the way.

"Hey girl," Maya said

"Hey, want some wine?" Nia asked

"You know it," Maya said sitting down

"So what's up sis?" Mason asked

"Nothing much just checking in." She said

"No, it's something else what is it?" He asked

"Okay dang." She said setting her glass down

"So I've been thinking long and hard about this. Even though I hate to do it...

"Just say it, Maya," Mason said

"We should talk to Monica she said

"Wow. Why?" He asked.

"I wanna know if she's our sister. I just want to get it out of the way." She said

"Okay well, when you wanna do all that?" Mason asked

"I don't know that's why I came to see if you can set it up. I don't wanna reach out." She said

"OH so leave me to I get it," Mason said

"Nah I got it. What's her number?" Nia asked

"Right here," Maya said

She pulled out her phone giving Nia the number.

"I'll hit her up and get back to you," Nia said

"Coo. So I'll see you all later. Hold on let me finish my good ol wine" Maya said finishing her drink

"Yeah, you do that. Leaving messes already" Mason said

"Boy it's just a glass cup, go clean it out," Maya said walking to the Door.

Mason laughed

"Love you, sis." He said

"Love y'all too.

"Ohh yeah me and homeboy I'm ready to talk to him," Mason said

"Yeah goodbye," Maya said shutting the door.


Maya pulled up at the house and saw Greg's car. She got out and went to his car.

"Get in," he said

Maya walked around getting in. Greg drove off.

"Where have you been all day?" He asked

"I just left my brother's house," she said

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