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Maya and Monica rushed over to Monicas parent's house. 

Monica rushed into the house and went straight upstairs to see what Ryan was seeing. 

"NOOO" Monica screamed. 

Maya rushed upstairs seeing all the blood on the floor. 

"was mom here? "Maya asked

"Yeah. She was packing her clothes in the room.  I know,  cause he'll never touch her clothes" Ryan said

Monica got the phone calling the police

"911 what's your emergency?" the operates asked

"Yes, I believe my mom was taken by my dad.  There's blood everywhere in the bathroom.  I don't know if she or he is alive" Monica said

The police pulled up 30 minutes later. 

While investigating the crime scene Ryan's phone began to ring. 

"Yo, it's Dad," Ryan said talking to Monica. 

"Where's mom?" Ryan asked

Tevin didn't say anything. 

"Dad, where's mom? " Ryan asked again

"Just know she loves you and Monica.  We love you" Tevin said before hanging up. 

"What did he say? " Monica asked

"He ain't say shit, Monica.  He just hung up.  I need to go somewhere stay here" Ryan said not wanting to tell Monica what he said. 

It's been 6 hours since they've heard anything from Grace.  They filed a missing report and issued an arrest on Tevin for possible kidnap. 

Everybody went back to Maya hotel just sitting around not saying anything. 

"So nobody got nothing to say? " Maya asked

"Where is Ryan at?" Mason asked

"Ain't nothing to say, Maya.  I'm just hurt right now. And I don't know.  He said he had to go somewhere" Monica said

"Y'all still not talking after that incident? " Monica asked

"Yeah.  I don't know what the fuck his problem is. " Mason said

Ryan came walking in since Monica gave him the location just in case he was wondering where they were.

"Where have you been? " Monica asked

"Had to see if they can track Dad's phone.  Ma,n he went south.  Said 3 hours from here but he went dead after that same as mom's phone" Ryan said

"We need to go look," Mason said

"Police already out that way.  They tracked it before I did" Ryan said

"Well, I'm out then.  We can talk about this another time" Mason said about to walk out.

"So you just leave like this ain't a serious matter? " Ryan asked smartly.

"Did I say it wasn't nigga? " Mason asked

"You acting like it," Ryan said

"Nigga say what the problem is and stop acting like a bitch" Mason said getting in his face

"No, not right now y'all," Maya said

"Seriously," Monica said

Ryan pushed Mason making him trip over the chair.  Mason got up stealing off Ryan.  They began to fight.  Mason put Ryan up by the legs slamming him on the carpet.  Mason got on top trying to hit him all in his face.  But Mason was blocking his face.  Ryan flips Mason over getting on him and doing the same. 

"Y'all STOP" Monica began to tell

"Fuck this nigga" Mason said

They got up squaring up again

Monica and Maya got in the middle holding both of them back. 

"Fuck is wrong with y'all.  Mom's missing y'all acting like children" Maya said

"He doesn't care.  Like he said he leaving pussy" Ryan said

Mason was running up to him again but Maya grabbed his coat holding pulled him back. 

"Both of y'all need to get it together.  Y'all are supposed to keep us calm.  And look" Monica said

"Right," Maya said

Mason grabbed his keys leaving out not saying a word. 

"What's the real problem, Ryan?  Why are you so mad at him? " Maya asked

"I'm going to be real.  Ever since y'all came in and met Mom shit went left fast.  It's too much" Ryan said

"So why are you just taking it out on him?  And not to be rude or disrespectful.  If we haven't cane you still would have him abuse ma" Maya said


"And you're right.  But tone your voice down talking to me.  I'll fight your ass too. Fuck!  How do you think we feel wanting to even come meet her in the first place? We ain't know none of this shit would happen. But it did" Maya said

"You're right sis.  And I'm sorry.  Shit too much" Ryan said

"I know brother.  But we have to stick together right now.  Ma is our priority.  We need to do something we don't need to be fighting each other " Maya said

"So what is it we can do right now? " Monica asked

"Hope that y'all dad would reach out.  But if we found the last location it wouldn't hurt to go looking around that town.  Never know what we could come up with" Maya said

"We can start in the morning. " Ryan said

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