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It's been 3 months since Tevin took Grace. Waking up in the bed not seeing Tevin in sight. She felt better than she did months ago. But she's been playing it safe making sure he won't hurt her again.

Tevin comes back in seeing Grace standing the the kitchen. He walks up to her. She turns around stabbing him in the neck with a butter knife. This was her only time to escape.

She takes off grabbing the keys. She ran outside seeing him come after her. He attack her from behind. They both fall as he gets on top of putting his hand on her neck choking her.

"I love you," he said continuing to choke her seeing her eyes get back.

Grace kicked him in the balls. Tevin fell back as Grace rolled over catching her breath and coughing holding her neck. She grabs the keys gets up and rushes to the car.

Tevin gets up trying to rush to Grace but with so much blood coming out of his neck he starts to lose vision. Grace got in the car and started it backing up. She ain't never felt so free in her life. Putting the car In drive she took off not looking back.

Grace was driving down this long Street for 30 minutes until she saw a small gas station. She pulled up fast getting out and rushing in.

"Can I use the phone, please? " Grace said still scared for her life.

A lady hurried up and handed her the phone. Grace called 911 telling them she was shot months ago and being held hostage for months and she was able to get away today. Grace hung up not wanting to stay there. She just wanted to keep going just in case Tevin was already coming to look for her. She got back in the car driving more into the city. The sign said Michigan.

Grace finally was able to find a police station hours later getting out and going inside.

"I'm Grace. I called you hours ago" She said

The female officers get up taking her to the back.

"Are you okay? " she asked checking Grace her out

"I'm fine. I'm fine" Grace said sitting down. "Just get my kids on the phone, please. Tell them I'm okay"

"Give us a minute"


"Okay okay. Follow me. Do you remember the numbers? "


They walked into a small office. Grace called Ryan's phone first.

"Hello," Ryan answered.

"My baby. This mom. I'm okay" Grace said starting to cry.

"MA. WHERE ARE YOU? IM COMING NOW" Ryan yells through the phone

"I've been in Michigan this whole time. "

"Is dad okay? Are you okay? "

"I don't know sweetheart. I had to get away. But I'm okay" Grace said crying.

"I'm coming now"

"Okay. Tell your sister I'm okay. And my other two" Grace said whipping her face.

In Chicago

Ryan called Monica and Maya informing her mom was okay. Maya got up and put on her shoes seeing Greg walk into the bedroom.

"Going somewhere? " He asked

"They've found My mom," Maya said

"Let's go then," Greg said.

Greg made a call t have his private plane ready to go to Chicago.

Maya pulled out her phone and called Mason

"What's up? " Mason answered.

"They found mom. She's In Michigan we going now. Riding with us when we get there? " Maya asked

"Yeah. " Mason said

Maya and Greg walked out meeting his security in the hall.

"Walk with her to the car. Need to speak with Paul" Greg said

Paul was Greg's top Security.

"Need you to stay close by. By any means. Just keep an eye out on My wife more. Get the other on speed dial and tell them we are going in Michigan and be there about time we get there" Greg said

"On it boss," He said

Pulling up to Mason and Nia's house 5 hours later. Mason noticed 3 cars on each end of the block.

"Hold on," Mason said Holding Nia back.

Maya raised her window down.

"Come on," She said

Mason and Nia come to the truck and get in

"Aye, who's these other cars? " Mason said

"Greg security "

"Nigga hired security? " Mason said

"No, he been had them. They been following us for a minute now" Maya said

"Well I don't need these nigga following me," Mason said

"Trust me. They not. It's more for me. And I hate it"

"Where is he? "

Greg got in the truck closed the door and sat next to Maya.

"We good. Let's go" Greg said

"So you still can't let a nigga in? " Mason said

"I tell you what. Get rid of the shit you doing maybe I'll have something line up for you? ".

"If that check be right. You ask me to give up the shit I know like the back of my head" Mason said

"No. I guarantee you'll have more money than you ever made" Greg said fixing his suit.

"Then put me on"

"I'll make a deal with you. I use to do the same shit you do. But we gone talk about that later when they ain't around" Greg said.

The right guy & The Right Guy 2 (Together)Where stories live. Discover now