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Zhan took a deep breath and tried hard to calm himself down when he felt a slight pain on his stomach, he can't explain those weird dreams that he has that seems so vivid and now getting so scared after hearing that name, is there something that he doesn't know or his craziness is getting worse?

He knows he can't continue staying where he was at the moment because if his husband comes out then he will be worried about him and he might even accuse him of not taking good care of his baby, well he knows his husband wouldn't dare say that but still if he will not take good care of himself then his unborn baby might be affected too, he doesn't want anything to happen to his baby, he worked so hard to have this baby and he can't be careless and regret for the rest of his life.

"Baby little dad is careless and didn't take good care of you." Xiao zhan who finally managed to speak after slightly calming down whispered while caressing his stomach which has stopped hurting and his naughty baby is kicking him gently wherever his hand touches.

He wants to get up and leave but he doesn't have the energy to do so at the moment and could only sit down and he could hear the movement from inside the study, it looks like his husband is done talking with the secretary and would be out any second, seconds later the door was opened and the first person to come out was the secretary.

The secretary was surprised to see his boss wife seated on the floor and his face looked abit pale, he panicked he knew his boss wife is pregnant and gers pregnancy is very fragile one simple mistake might lead to something unpleasant not only the life of the baby might be compromised even the ger has a high chance of not surviving, even though a woman might also be in danger but compared to a ger, the woman is safer.

"Madam what happened? Are you alright?" The secretary asked his voice full of worries.

Yibo heard his secretary voice and he immediately came out only to see his ger seated on the floor and the eyes looking at his secretary was full of hostility like he is about to rip him to pieces the next second.

Xiao zhan was dissatisfied with how the secretary addressed him, which madam? He is not a woman! If he could get up now he could teach this arrogant man a lesson! Did he see any madam here!.

The secretary swallowed hard and wondered what he said wrong? Trying to remember the words he said seconds ago but he didn't feel saying anything wrong that might make his boss wife to be angry and look at him so viciously, he is not good when it comes to guessing and he knows how dangerous pregnant gers can be and their emotions most of the time are fragile, one second a ger will be smiling but the next second he will erupt like a hot volcano.

Xiao zhan who saw his husband felt aggrieved, and for a second he forgot about the talk that happened in the study and only remembered about the secretaries words and the next second he bursted into tears!.

Yibo carried the crying xiao zhan, he then looked at his secretary who shook his head and immediately left not wanting to be implicated.

Zhan who saw the secretary leaving with first steps like he is about to run away felt even more sad and cried miserably, not only did he not say sorry he ran away and his husband just let him go without seeking justice for him! Didn't he see he was bullied! Bullied by a bad guy! His husband is now siding with the bad guy and not supporting him at all!.

Zhan cries caught the attention of father Gu who immediately stopped what he was doing and rushed to where he heard the voices, yibo just shook his head towards his father in law and walked to his room.

"There, there don't cry your face is already red and your eyes will soon swell like meat buns, tell me what happened?" Yibo who finally arrived to their room asked.

Xiao zhan who finally calmed down after being coaxed by his husband was embarrassed, he didn't want to cry at all, the feeling was so severe and he felt so emotional that if he ended up crying and he couldn't control himself at all!.

"I didn't mean to cry, it's the baby who made me cry! I'm not a cry baby!" Zhan said softly his voice slightly because of crying and hid his face on his husband neck, it's not him who cried, how can a mature man cry just because he was called 'madam' he is not a petty person! He is understanding and nothing will affect him at all!.

"I know what my baby said is right! By the way why were you sitting on the floor?" Yibo answered but still was concerned wondering what made his ger sit on the floor and his face at that time was pale and he can tell something happened.

Xiao zhan hesitated for a while but told him that he started experiencing those hurtful memories again like they really happened to him but he didn't dare mention that Wen Rui the name that made him feel so scared, until now when he remembers the name he heard made him feel cold all over and scared.

Yibo believed his gers words, he really doesn't want these things to happen to his ger but it looks like fate can't be changed, it looks like his ger will come a time he will remember everything about his last life and by then he doesn't want to imagine how his ger will treat him, he won't complain no matter what his ger will do or talk to him because it's all fault, because if he were a real man then nothing like that could have happened in his last life.

He just hopes by then his ger will not choose to leave him, he will accept everything else but not living his whole life without his ger by his side.

Two weeks later

Wen Rui became impatient, all his tricks that he tried to just get xiao zhan leave the house failed, spies that he sent were all dealt with even before they could act, now the only option remaining is him going to act and he will make sure he succeed and no mistake would be made.

That day Wang yibo didn't leave for work but was spending some quality time with his ger, but the peaceful moment was destroyed when some uninvited guests decided to show up.

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