CH 4

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It's been a year now.

Things are going quite well, the father and the son see each other every day to have some tea unlike before.

Diana stopped coming since a few months ago, Ambroise wasn't bothered by it since they didn't share a close bond, for him Diana was like any other passer by he sees every day.

He actually found out that Diana was pregnant a few days ago, courtesy of Sir Felix.

But he knows that she won't survive the childbirth, it's rare that someone who bears a child of Obelian royalty stays alive, even if they do their body will became weak.

Ambroise and Claude's relationship is not deep or weak, if one of them dies they care enough to go to the funeral.

" I have no Life to lead but this-

To lead it here-

Nor any Death- but lest

Dispelled from there-

Nor tie to Earths to come-

Nor Actions new-

Except through this Extent-

The Realm of you-"

Each time they have tea Ambroise has to share a few lines of poetry with Claude, it was like a silent rule a tradition and a little proof that they still care about each other even if it's little.

I think I've figured out how, 

how to think about you, without ripping out my heart now

Claude looked at his silent son the image overlapped with his wife silently having tea with him.

No matter how many years pass the wound still seems fresh as if it swore to never heal.

It pains him more when he realises how neglecting he was to his own blood just like his own father.

" Do you think emotional wounds ever heal?"

He questioned his son.

Who looked him in the eye for a moment before responding.

" No, they don't. I personally think that you get used to living with the pain as the time passes by."

It was time like this where he felt like he was talking to a friend instead of a seven years old boy.

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