CH 12

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Right now Athanasia was singing a lullaby and the prince had a strong urge to silence her.

"Did his majesty fall asleep"


They continued their melodramatic conversation completely forgetting that a certain red haired child was still there and he had been blessed with the ability to hear like many.

With a sigh the prince leaned to a pillow

" brother is awake?"


"princess, you know the prince knows how to sing?"

"yes, brother was singing when we went to a boat ride"

"really? Was it beautiful"

"yes, I want to hear it again"

unknown to the trio the emperor was awake and listening, the price started

" if you dance I'll dance and if you don't I'll dance anyway.

Give peace a chance let the fear you have fall away

I've got my eye on you

I've got my eye on you 

Say yes to heaven 

Say yes to me

Say yes to heaven

Say yes to me

If you go, I'll stay 

you come back I'll be right here.

like a barge at sea

in the storm, I stay clear 

'cause I've got my mind on you

I've got my mind on you

Say yes to heaven

Say yes to me

If you dance, I'll dance

I'll put my red suit on, get it on

and if you fight, I'll fight

It doesn't matter now, it's all gone

I've got my eye on you

I've got my eye on you

Say yes to heaven

Say yes to me 

Say yes to heaven

Say yes to me

I've got my eye on you 

I've got my eye on you"

by the end of his song the princess was sleeping, and the emperor had million's of thoughts running in his head.

He felt like the song was directed to him, when he started to neglect his son and hen his son patiently waited for him

it hurts

he did not dare to say that a loud, not in the presence of his first born whom he wounded by ignoring his existence.

The Apathetic PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now