CH 27

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no matter which life it is 

in the end he always learns how to be strong alone.

Maybe that made him tired?

Slowly he closed his eyes he didn't want to think about his invisible scars.

A pair of of soft lips touched his forehead, the warmth he didn't knew he craved for came to him like a reward for staying strong, 

he almost shed those tears he had trapped for so long in the loving embrace of his father but stopped.

Not now. 

It wasn't the right time.


The prince said barely above a wishper, his father only hummed while caressing his son's hair, unknown to the prince he fell asleep in the emperor's arms.

Two days later

The princess was acting surprisingly clingy today. 

After all she met the ultimate threat to her life but no one knew about that except the mage.

The fate was cruel to everyone even the 'sweet lovely princess' was no exception, nor the abandoned princess, or the emperor or the crown prince.

Everyone had at least once tasted the bitter taste of cruelty that the gods planned for them.

The only difference was some tasted it more often while the others less.





no one








My prince, 

will you one of them again, fighting silently. Only to be acknowledged when it's too late.

The Apathetic PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now