CH 26

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The prince opened his eyes to find himself back with Lucas and Athanasia. With a sigh he spoke.

"I will take my leave now"

He left with a snap of his fingers before anyone could protest.

In a beautiful garden staring at the flowers they bloomed beautifully, his mind drifted back in the past. He always had stress catching up to him in random moments.

Unaware that his father was watching him, a hand on his shoulder brought him back to reality, his new realty.

Turning back his eyes met with his father's, he was tired so he didn't greet him formally like he always would.

Claude could see the tiredness and how hollow his son looked, 

like a prisoner being punished for a crime till he got no energy to fight back,

like a warrior who faced nothing but wars,

like a beautiful painting that lost it's colour with time.

He hesitantly embraced his first born, the youth didn't push him but leaned on him.

He had become so damaged from continuously 




giving love

that he had no idea who to trust with his inner self so he let himself fall in the warm embrace that came to him itself.

Others saw him as a heartless and emotionless person he too did,


in the eyes of his father

how heartless, yet full of feelings he is.

Nothing like his mother.

The Apathetic PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now