CH 17

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Lucas grabbed Ambroise's jaw taking him by surprise and looked at him in the eye

"you're interesting"

"there's a 7 years old watching us she might misunderstand something"

the prince wishpered softly to the magician so the princess couldn't hear them

"This is quite amusing"

Lucas smirked still not letting go of the prince who was too tired to struggle when there was no real danger to his life.

"let go of brother!"

"hmmm.... no"

the princess was speechless

"hmm, should I let you live?"

Seeing the magician has no plans on releasing him soon Ambroise decided to fill the princess with some information since she is clearly lacking it in magic.

After the explanation the princess looked so excited and full of energy seeing her like that drained the prince more than he already was.

"Does that mean I'll be a great magician?"

"hard to say, but it looks like you won't be completely useless"

Lucas replied while taking the divine beast from one hand the second one still held the prince against the tree.

"eh? why are you taking blackie?"

"when did I say I'm giving it to you?"

"you said it was mine"

"nonsense. I found it so It's mine now, so if I choose to roast it or make sushi it's all up to me"

after their conversation more like an argument came to an end it was decided that blackie will be spared until he matured.

"why would you decide what happens to blackie?"

"why you ask? 

I'm doing you a favour right now.

 You have to understand, I could kill you right now and take that mut with me, if I pleased. 

But as a special favour I won't do that because I took a liking to your brother.

 Don't worry I'm a nice magician who knows I'll change my mind while I'm waiting."

The Apathetic PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now