CH 32

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2 years have passed

Ambroise continued his journey.

Forests, hills, mountains and lakes.

In his way to the trial he came across the beauty of nature, truly admirable was the scenery that welcomed him with open arms.

He was a lonely being by heart so he accepted the foreign but at the same time familiar embrace.

Willingly he listened to the music that nature had to offer. Each habitat had different tunes, melodies and stories.

Everyone could see them, but had not enough patience to observe.

Art came in many ways, people who call themselves artists observe nature and trap it with them in different forms, for others to see and feel what they felt in life, in nature and in their true emotions.

A part of their heart is given to read or see, but alas those who are ungrateful just dismiss as some mere words, some mere carvings on marble or wood and some mere brush strokes on the canvas.

The best part about nature, later expressed in art for the prince is even if people observe the same thing they all express different opinions. All of them see it from different point of views, but the truth always remains mystery no matter how much you wander or think about it.


The best part about nature, later expressed in art for the prince is even if people observe the same thing they all express different opinions

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The best part about nature, later expressed in art for the prince is even if people observe the same thing they all express different opinions. All of them see it from different point of views, but the truth always remains mystery no matter how much you wander or think about it.

The Apathetic PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now