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I still remember that fateful night. The night which changed everything. It was the darkest and the coldest night of winters. Frozen snow could be perceived everywhere. The silence was silently whispering in my ear. The floor on which I was laying was cold as death!
I somehow managed to drag myself across the road and reached the pathway. The loneliness was fuelling my agony and pain. I was helplessly laying on the floor, silent tears escaping my eyes for the man who abandoned me here.

Zack Knight!

The man whom I admired. I thought he was the prince charming of my fantasies.

But I was wrong.

Like all the other people, he only wanted my body. He never really cared about what was beyond my walls. When people said he was a playboy, I should've listened but I was so blinded by his temporary love that I couldn't see the reality behind this act of innocence. He used to give me red roses, just like the one I'm holding right now. Once he gave me a beautiful rose. I was so amazed by its beauty that I failed to see the thorns and cut myself. Just like that one beautiful flower, I failed to see his ugly side. I only praised the side he wanted me to see.

Fuck love! I should've never loved. It's a curse.  I always wondered why people prefer to live alone and now I was getting why. Because loneliness is your only best friend. It always keeps you company and never harms you back. It just demands you. But it was too late for me to even feel bad about it.

The smell of blood, escaping from my body was the only thing that I could acknowledge. I used to despise the smell of blood but today I was somewhat liking it. I smiled at the thought of how I changed because of the betrayal of one man. But my smile faded as soon as it came because I was dying slowly.

My eyes slowly started closing because of the heaviness. My vision started blurring. My stomach that's once held the baby of the only man I love, was empty.
I was dying slowly. I waited for death to come,
But then I felt someone scooping me in their arms. I gathered all the power left in me and opened my eyes to look at my savior.

It was Cameron.

And then everything blacked out.
And from that day I promised myself, I'll take my revenge and he should be ready for the blow that is coming towards him.

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