Chapter 5

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I'm dead. Like real dead. I was so zoomed out in the other world that I didn't even notice that the coffee was already made. I looked down and saw that his hand was holding the cup while trapping mine between his hand and the cup.

I gulped loudly and held my face up and saw him smirking at me. He did this on purpose. He was finding this whole situation amusing. I quickly retreated my hand and looked down at my shoes. Woah my shoes are actually pretty good. I never noticed before and   The flowers-

"Emily!" His voice came from a little distance. I spun around and found him sitting comfortably on the couch, sipping from his coffee, looking at me with curious eyes. I then remembered how I was making fun of myself by standing here like an idiot, gawking at my shoes like it is the last poster of hasty styles on this earth. (A.N: guys I'm not a directioner but some of my friends here are :))

I found my voice again and spoke,
"Sir so you need anything else?" I asked him trying to speak steadily but of course, it came out as if I was speaking for the first time.

"Yes! Come here and sit." his voice was low but stern and held power. I knew I had no other choice.

I took my small baby steps to reach the couch and kept the distance between us as that between China and America. I nervously fiddled with the hem of my top. Seeing this he chuckled softly, probably because of my miserable state. I just rolled my eyes at him although he couldn't see me.

"So Emily tell me about yourself?" I looked at him in disbelief. One time he is rude to me and the other time he wants to know about me. What a hypocrite!?

"Well, my name is Emily. I'm 21 well probably 22 next week. My birthday is on 12 September. My mum is an alcoholic and my father is never home....." I continued the heartbreaking story which Cam made me memorize "against my will I might add. After I finished my story I looked at him but I frowned when I saw him zoom out somewhere else. His coffee is probably cold.

"Sir?" I carefully asked. Still no response. "Are you alright sir?" I asked him a little louder this time.

His facial expression doesn't change but his lips moved a little. "Your birthday is on 22 September?" I watched him in disbelief. I told him the whole story of my fake life and the only thing he had to ask was about my birthday. Not even about my father whom I didn't know about or my mother who was supposed to be at home drunk.

"Yes." I simply replied. What can I do if he doesn't care? Remind me to kill Cameron later for memorizing this fucked up thing.

He nodded silently still distracted in his thoughts. I noticed his knuckles around the cup turned white due to the force with which he was holding the cup.

He looked up at me and I noticed his eyes were now bloody red. He gave me a forced smile. Actually a very forced one. "I think you should go now. It's probably very late and you must be tired." I nodded at him. Slowly and cautiously stand up from the creamy-coloured couch cause I could feel the rage radiating from him and I knew that he was controlling himself from doing something bad. I quickly moved around the couch and move towards the door. I stopped at the door holding the knob, "Have a good night sir."

He mumbled something under his breath that I couldn't quite catch and closed the door behind me. I had just closed the door when I heard the loud 'bam' from inside. I knew he had broken the poor cup but I didn't know which thing made him that much angry.

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