Chapter 18

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With shaky hands I opened the doors myself because there were no guards which was way out of usual. I walked inside and no one was there. It was like I just walked into a grave yard. Even I could hear my own breathing. Then my senses kicked in and I ran towards elevator. Throughout the way I only kept chanting one word in my head..
Zack please be safe...

As I got out of the elevator I was surprised to see almost all the staff in here. The elderly women were crying, even Clair looked like she's gonna die any moment. Without thinking twice I made my way towards the door... His door. I slowly opened the door and got inside. Every member of his family was present even Anthony was here. Jenna was standing like a statue in the corner while the faint cries could be heard in the background. Holding my nerves I walked towards her.

"What happened?" I asked as soon I reached near her. She looked at me and suddenly broke down. Her sobs were terrified. It was that feeling when you know that you are doomed.

"He died Emily... My son my baby's no longer." Just at that moment I felt warm liquid on my cheek. Is that a tear? Am I crying?

I was numb, couldn't feel anything. I slowly moved around to see him and surely he was there, lying there with a peace all over his face. As if he had just escaped his demons, all of his pain. I was walked towards his bed and gently held his hand. Cold... His hands were so cold and there were no signs of life on his face. I bend and left a gentle kiss on his cold forehead. A tear slipped from my eye and landed on his cheek. Then I finally gave out all the pain, anger, thirst for revenge that kept bubbling up in me with time. I cried like a child and I let all the pain in me flow out through my tears.

I never got the chance to say him goodbye or sorry for the pain I cause him.

His funereal went well but I couldn't feel anything. Although the people were really confused why his caretaker was this much sad but right now I couldn't even pretend to be happy.
Anna said sorry and I accepted cause I knew it was now her fault although I was still angry at him. I was finally back to my old place. Jenna was not pleased with this idea of me going away but I had to. I got to know that in addition to the letter he also left a small box for me. It's been a whole week after his death. Today I felt the need of reading his letter as I was sitting in my bed. Carefully I took out the letter and the little box. I opened the letter as I was afraid that it will torn and I will not be able to read his last word....

To my Emily,
I hope you are reading this cause I know you hate me but please read this with open mind. In reality I don't even know from where to start this messed up story. The first thing I want to tell you is that I was not the FATHER of your child. I didn't raped you and I'm not the reason for your parents death.
And I know that you are not Emily but Emma, my Emma.

The tears blurred my vision. You think I would be feeling grateful of this revelation but actually I was hoping against hope that he was lying. I cannot live with this dark secret knowing that I killed the only person I love without his fault. But why a dying man on his deathbed would lie, it's not like he have anything to lose. Why didn't he stopped me if he knew that I was gonna kill him?

That day when I kissed you, I just couldn't stop myself anymore. To having you so near but couldn't touch you just ate me alive. Although you changed yourself completely, completely heartless but couldn't change the way you smile, the way you life glistened with excitement every time you saw food. I know food is your weakness. At first I was not sure but by the time I lived with you, I knew that you are my buttercup. I couldn't believe my eyes. I thought you died but here you were. It was just like the time was repeating itself. The way when you first time came to me was same like that day of your appointment. The only difference is that you were married to me. You came as my wife.

I couldn't believe my eyes. I thought his wife was someone else he loved but that mean that actually I was his wife
but why can't I remember all of this?

Yeah Emma you are my wife. I could see the curiosity in your eyes every time I mentioned her, actually I loved how you would tense and try to hide your jealous but it showed anyway. I thought you hated me and just a mere thought of you heating me would burn me alive.

We married to each other because of some business complications. You father's company was falling apart so my father made a deal with your father that he would support your company if you marry me and you agreed because of your father.

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