Chapter 13

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Did you ever had that feeling when you have done something wrong and afraid of your mum's scolding? That's what I was feeling right now. I was sitting in a lonely chair in the end of the collider.
What if Jenna ask me? What will I say?

As I was busy talking to myself, I heard the clicking sound of heels...


"Emily dear! What happened to Zack? Is my son alright?" Now what?

"Um I don't know Jenna, we were just talking and he suddenly collapsed on the floor." Her eyebrows scrunched in the concentration as she digested the information I gave her.

"Oh then it might be just one of his panic attacks. I thought something big happened." Now my eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.

"What do you mean?" She gave out a sigh and held my hands.
"Remember I told you about his mental condition?" I nodded remembering the day when she told me about his condition.

"He must've stressed his mind out over something. He had a panic attack. He'll be fine but paralysed for somedays and you'll have to look after him." I gave her a reassuring smile and she nodded understandingly. A doctor, wearing a white coat came out of the emergency room where Zack was kept. As he approached us, Jenna held my hand tightly....

"Are you Mr Zack's relatives?" Doctor asked us.

"Yes! I'm his mother." Jenna spoke as she took a step towards doctor.

"Well Zack is good. He can go home but will not be walking for few days. Make sure he gets the good care and treatment. You can go and see him." After this, Jenna ran inside the room without waiting for permission anymore. Doctor turned towards me.
Is this the time when my big cover will blow away?

"You are...?"

"His caretaker!" Came my confident reply.

"Well that means I can talk to you. I don't think that I can tell this news to Jenna. We have run some tests on Zack and we found something bad in his blood, like some kind of virus. We think it's his own blood that is creating it and it's very dangerous. It can kill him. This medicine here-"he handed me a small bottle "will help him to get recover completely. Make sure to give this to him daily." Sure..

Saying goodbye, we both parted our ways. I went in the direction of Zack's room. Should I knock or go inside instead? After debating for a good amount of time, I decided to peek inside the room. As I held the door open, I saw Zack laying on the bed unconscious and Jenna holding his hand, mumbling something in her mouth. I decided to give them some privacy and closed the door.

Zack was discharged from the hospital after that. As we came outside of the hospital, I saw a beautiful fountain outside. Water was springing out with such beauty that everyone who passed, had to stop automatically to look at it. I was also one of them, stopped to see the beauty.

"Emily, you coming?" Jenna called after me.

"Yeah just a min!"  I replied back. Just as I was about to turn, I remembered something. His medicines!
Slowly I pushed my hand in side pocket  and took out the medicine. I turned around slowly and saw Jenna standing talking to the doctor.

"Sorry Jenna." I whispered to myself as I opened the lid. Sighing last time, I tilted the bottle upside down in the fountain and watched it disappear in the depths of water. There goes his last hope.

You won't get away with it this time Zack!

Is he dead? Why isn't he awake yet?
These were the questions in my head as I watched Zack sleeping like a beauty.

Really...sleeping like a beauty?

He had been knocked out for like 24 hours and was still asleep. I was sent to his penthouse temporarily to look after him. Now it was a daytime. I was sitting in the chair next to his bed. A cold coffee which I made was sitting on the side table. Ugh just wake up already. You have to drink that coffee.
We are on a schedule here!

As I was blabbering to myself, I felt a movement.
"Sir?"  I held his hand and felt his fingers moving in my palm.

"Damn it! Where the hell I am?" Jeez

"Um you passed out in your office and now you are in your penthouses." I told him rolling my eyes. It's so obvious dude.

He looked me with the furrow eyebrows and observed my face like he was trying to figure out something. Suddenly his face became relaxed and laid his head back down on the pillow.

"Oh!" Does he remember what happened?. An awkward silent filled the room. I looked around the room, trying my hard not to look in his eyes.

"I know what you are thinking?" Does he?

"I remember what happened Emily. But it was not your fault. Anyone in your place would've asked me that question. Do you trust me?" Um no?

"Yes!" Lies..

"Good.... Cause only I can ask you for now is to believe me. If God desired, time will let you know." Yeah, time let you know about faces you've never seen.

"I hope so." Zack nodded and rested his head back on the pillow, closing his eyes in the process. A sigh of relief escaped his lips.

"Btw I really missed your coffee. Can I get your one killer of a coffee!?" He asked me, eyes still closed.
"Sure!" I replied with a smirk as I lifted the cup from the side table..

I'm doing this for you mum..!

Now it was almost 9 pm and Zack was having some rest. I ticked all the work on a piece of paper that was assigned to me. Now I only have to iron his clothes and then I'm done.
I opened his big wardrobe and in front of me was the finest collection of suits I've ever seen. As I was busy in searching of suits, I saw a red coloured summer dress with a beautiful white leggings. What in the world is this red coloured frock doing in his wardrobe.
It was a single and only cloth of this type but it was still very weird. As much as I know, he don't even let a single fly come near his things.



Author's note: So guys here's the chapter. I'll be uploading next chapter in next get days. Do vote and comment if you like it...enjoy!

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