Chapter 8

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The clock was striking 9  and I was currently standing in front of the address given to me by none other than James. It was not a mansion or anything but one of the motels he was an owner of. I was wearing a dark red peacock dress with dark smoky makeup. when I was leaving the building, I made sure that no one recognizes me in this attire.

Although I was unaware of what was coming next, I was fully prepared for it. Here I was no longer the "Emily" but Emma. I was a whole new person right now. Funny how fast people can change just with the help of an invisible mask they wear to hide the darkness inside them. 

It takes the struggle of life to become a hero, a good person in other people eyes~but it takes a second, a flicker of a moment for the same person to become a villain, the worst person to walk in society, whom they used to praise so dearly once upon a time. 

Taking a deep breath, I slowly approached the large glass doors which were undoubtedly made elegantly. Strong muscular guards held the door wide open for me to enter. 

It was probably one of the finest motels in the city. All expensive and shiny. I walked towards the reception desk where a male reception was sitting with his back straight.

"Excuse me, can I know the room no of Mr. James?" At first, that fool didn't even think good enough to tell me the room no he was staying in.  The man on the other side carefully observed me, from head to toe, but then nodded and with a motion of the forefinger, indicated me to wait. I meekly waited. He was speaking on an intercom and nodded at something being said on the other line. After saying goodbye to the person he was talking to just some seconds ago, smiled sweetly at me.

"Sorry miss if you faced any inconvenience. We apologize for that. Mr. James would like to meet you immediately. His room no is 507." I thanked him and entered the elevator which was just a few steps away. I was not nervous, after all, it had been a long time since I was in such sort of situation. Although I was slightly concerned because I was off the track. I was not supposed to do it. Hell, I haven't even informed Annie or Cam about this. 

The elevator doors opened and I cautiously moved outside. Standing in a long hallway, I checked the room numbers slowly.  "504,505,506....." I muttered to myself. My eyes stopped at the door with 507 written on it.

"There it is!"

I knocked on the door and waited until I heard shuffling from inside and heard the sound of the clicking of a lock. The door slowly opened to reveal James standing there.

Only in his freaking robe!!

I inwardly groaned with absolute disgust at the sight in front of me. Only with his hungry eyes, he devoured  my body from head to toe and licked his dry lips,
"Damn woman! I believe I'm gonna wet myself just by looking at you." He said still eyeing me up and down.

"Geez! Hello to you too." I couldn't help my sarcasm and walk right past him. He chuckled in response. I had just entered the room when I saw a bulky man standing there.

"Um, what's he doing here?" I said in an unsure voice pointing right at him. I'm sure he never informed me that we were having a threesome.  

"Oh, he is Marcus, my personal bodyguard. I know you are being a good girl all of a sudden but I can't stand my chances you know." He said in sadist sweet voice. Then he turned towards Marcus and his face turned sour. "Check her."

Marcus came towards me and my eyes widened in surprise, "no-no not there-"
Ugh, too late it's already done.

After him finishing his checking and I, on the other hand, feeling really violated, he turned towards James, "Boss there's nothing on her." James face again changed into a smiley face - which was 'disgusting' - gave me a nod of appreciation.
"You really are a good girl. Now, Marcus, you can leave. You are not needed here" Marcus nodded and left. Thank God we are not having a threesome.

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