Chapter 6

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Currently, I'm sitting in his office waiting for him. He would be here any minute now as it was already 7 am. I was playing with my fingers nervously. What if he tells Zack about me?

Mr. James, the name which I was dreading for the last hour is Ceo of James corporation~ well it's only to the world. He is the drug dealer who happened to have many deals with me not in drugs of course but in the killing of his many competitors.

He was always that old pervert who wanted to get in my pants and I turned him down but now if he sees me here he'll probably understand why and will blackmail me. I know his type. They can do anything to satisfy their hormones.

As I was lost in my world I heard the clicking sound of heels which belonged to only one person.

"Miss Rose you never mind me calling you Miss rose?" I turned my head around and saw him coming into his office while reading something from the file in his hands. He wasn't even looking at me.

"Yes sir, of course, I don't mind" he hummed in response and sat down in his ever-so-cool chair. He was observing something in the file.

"You do realize that it's your file. Right?" He said, first time looking up at me and rose his eyebrow.

"Sir I didn't realize" I replied honestly, thinking why he was acting so weird.

"Well, then why don't you mind me calling you Miss Rose?" I gave him a weird look. What is it with Miss Rose?

"Sir because it's my last name!" I said stating the obvious and added a chuckle just to make him realize that he lost this time but he didn't even look amused which he looked like most of the time. Is this his disease acting weird all of a sudden? But soon his lips twitched into one of his famous smirks.

"Nope your last name is Johnson"

Oops, I forgot! Shit shit shit. I'm so retarded. I can't even remember a single thing. Okay now calm down and think of an excuse. I looked into his eyes which were looking mockingly at me. I held a sad face cause that chuckle was long forgotten.

"Well you see sir I always wanted to have Rose as my name but my dad liked Emily more so he didn't change it" before continuing I gave him my best puppy eyes, "But sir, when you called me Rose so many memories from my childhood came and I just couldn't correct you, sir, It felt so good"

I said the last part in a whisper for a dramatic ending using my hands to show him how good.

He watched all the drama with musing eyes. I just stood there awkwardly, with my hands still hanging in the air for his response, he sighed,

"Well, Rose or whatever I don't care about you. I just want you to be there in the meeting which will be held in half an hour and please don't do anything stupid that makes me regret keeping you here". He said standing and fixing his dark blue tie which went well with his sky blue shirt. "Clair will be there so I guess I can count on someone" he mumbled to himself.

Ok ouch, that hurts. What was I even expecting, I've been here for only 2 days I'm not gonna be his number 1 in this short period and well I'm in reality here to kill him, not to impress him.

But why that bitch?

A knock captured both of our attention. "Come in," he said in his professional tone. A moment later door opened and Clair walked in. Shit, she looks beautiful.

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