Chapter 12

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"Sir I think you are way too much drunk.. We should probably be getting home." I tried to make him stand by pulling his arm forward but he freed his hand from me. I knew he'll make me listen to his drunken gibberish anyway!
"No Emily please I have to get it off my chest. They say all that a broken soul need is a good listener... Will you be one for me?" He asked me with pleading eyes. He was this much drunk to think any good but in reality his heart was the most sober and vulnerable at the moment. I looked around the nude trees. The faint sound in a distance could be heard still. The cold breeze was blowing making me shiver.

Should I listen to him?  He never did any good to me..should I?

A little talk with him wouldn't hurt. And on a side note it'll probably be funny because he's very much drunk.
A little entertaining wouldn't hurt..right?

I gave out a sigh messaging my arms because of the cold and sat down on the bench, a little away from him. It was just like a freakin movie scene. Like two lovers sitting on a bench, under a naked tree branches, on the cold winter night but the difference was that we were not lovers but enemies, tho he didn't knew it yet.

He looked towards me..

"So your gonna tell me the story or not?"

He gave out a sigh..

"There was this girl I used to hate so much. We couldn't stand each.. Never agreed at the same thing. Just all the time fighting over little things. Fate had bounded us together. She was my wife.. It was a business deal with her father who was going through crisis and needed my help, so I did help him."
So he really have a wife!
Zack was looking in a distance and smiled as he remembered something from his past..

"We used to fight over who's gonna sleep on which pillow, who's gonna own which side of the bed, and don't even make me start on that remote fight.. We were really at each other's throat on what to watch part." He gave out a laugh like he was really enjoying his past through the buried memories in his head.

"But we even didn't noticed when we fell in love with each other. Couldn't even stay away for a long time. I thought I just got used to her but it was much more than that. I felt empty without her. I was deeply, madly and crazily in love with her."  I looked at him feeling the pang in my chest. He was still looking in the darkness of the forest. Who is this girl who made him this much fall in love with her? Who's the one who turned the beast in human?

"Why you guys are not together anymore?" Ok.. I was not excepting this question to come out of my mouth, but it did anyways. Zack for the first time we started talking, detached his eyes from the view and looked straight into my eyes. He's eyes held so much sadness.. So much pain. I couldn't look him in the eyes so I turned my face away. I heard a sigh that escaped from his lips.

"She's dead!" What!!? I looked at him with a pure shocked face.

"Yeah she's dead.. And I killed her. I'm the one who killed her. I tried to make it up to her by giving away my own life but people don't let me die in peace. They always save me. I'm so much guilty of what I did but people around me don't understand me... They can't even know about half of the pain I'm going through." He finished his words with the whisper.

"Her too!?" Damn why do I even care about his wife. She's not my business.

"What do you mean by her too!?" He said raising his both eyebrows in confusion.

"N-nothing." I replied looking away. After that it was a long pause. A peaceful silence which I thought I would never experience in Zack's company but here we are!
I could hear "All of me" playing in the distance and was really enjoying it..

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