Chapter 3

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The drive to his office was quite comforting. Spectacular view of lush green trees and fields did a quite good job of keeping me occupied. The happiness I felt by watching it never moved from my heart. I remember my parents and sisters going for a picnic once. It was a sunny day just like today. The love and affection I felt there with them, even today when I'm completely broken down, hold the pieces together for me.

Oh, God!! I miss them. I miss my mother scolding my father for bringing my favorite ice cream for me when I was sick. I miss my father sneaking into my room with ice cream in his soft and chubby hands when my mum was asleep, so I don't feel alone and sad. I miss my sisters fighting with me with amused faces to a point where I wished I never had them.

I want them.

But then he came and burst my little bubble in which I was living, away from the harsh reality of this world. He snatched away everything from me I was left with. My happiness, my parents, my sisters, and my life. Now I'm nothing but a dead soul captivated in a human body. I'm nothing.

I took a deep breath and shook my head gently, rather shake the memories and bury them in the back of my head. When I came back to the reality I saw curious looks thrown at me.

"What?" I questioned roughly to the driver. I never meant it. His head slowly lowered down not meeting my eyes and the fear could easily be felt from his trembling.

"That's your stop mam." I looked outside and a large glass building stood in from of me. I hopped out of the car.
"Good luck! I'll pray for you." the old man said with a little smile.

"I don't need your prayer," I said not harshly but sadly. It happens when you are feeling the pain of being left alone. "It won't be answered anyway. Particularly not in my case."
I said the last part in whisper although it could be overheard.

I took small steps towards the tall building, digesting every information my eyes could grasp. The building from inside was itself a piece of art. It almost took my all strength not to gawk at the site. As I made my way towards the reception, the lady almost looking in her late 20s smiled at me.

"Hey, mam! What can we do for you?" She said with the gentle smile plastered on her face.

"Yeah - well you see I've got an appointment with Mr. Knight," I said trying hard to look nervous. I was nervous but only to meet the man whom I dreamt to kill every single day.

"Ok sure but you have to wait for your turn. The waiting room will be on the 20th floor."
she pointed toward the elevator. This building is freakin huge!

"Thanks" I muttered and stalked towards the elevator that she pointed at. Believe me, there were so many more lifts that I could get confused with. On my way to the elevator, I observed the building carefully. Every other person was busy with their work. All the men were hottest and well it pains to say but every other girl was pretty and stunning.

The building shined with sunlight since it was made from a fine glass.
I had just entered the elevator and was soon squeezed among the people who had their nose stuck in different files. As my stop came, I heard a ping and sighed in relief - well which caught the attention of many.

It was a long pathway with many rooms and all of them were elegantly designed. This might be the floor where his office was. It was so silent that if the pin was dropped, it could be heard. I noticed a desk in the corner. As I went further towards it, I noticed a girl sitting there. She looked between 25 and 28 but probably the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen. She was perfect to be a model.

She had a fine curved body and her curves were more apparent in her tight red dress. Her long tanned legs were shining, almost challenging mine, but I was nothing compared to her. She had crystal blue eyes with beautiful blond hair.

"Hey!" I said casually as I approached her. She even didn't glance at me and continued chewing her bubble with her nose in the phone. Well, she's irritating.

"Excuse me?" I leaned forward and said a little louder this time for her to listen.

"What?" She snapped at me. That bitch! Guys, I'm taking my words back about her being beautiful.

"Well I'm sorry for interrupting you from God knows what important work but I would like to know where the waiting room is. I have an appointment with Mr. Knight." I gave her my little speech and held my chin up.

She eyed me up and down and burst into waves of laughter as if she had seen a joker.
"Oh God! You really think that if you are gonna come here, resembling a saint, he'll appoint you? Well for your information he only likes hot girls." how dare she?!

"Well sorry to disappoint you if I failed to dress like a slut or whore but that's my problem, isn't it?" I gave her my sweetest smile which clearly worked for me to irritate her even more.

"You- ugh I don't even know why he is doing this. I'm his personal secretary and I volunteered myself, but he wouldn't listen." oh boy! I clearly killed her. "Whatever, the waiting room is there and believe me he's not gonna appoint you, even if it means the world to him."
Woah! Well well.

"We'll see." without wasting a minute, I walked towards the waiting room, wanting to get further away from her but didn't expect the scene which I saw as I entered the room. There were more than 30 girls in the room sitting on sofas. All were trying their best to look hottest. Well, they were all looking like sluts. As I moved in, all the heads snapped in my direction. All the girls welcomed me with scolded faces and gave me dirty looks. Ugh! Come on dude, I'm not an alien from Mars. I thought in my head.

2 hours, 45 minutes and 15 seconds later...

I'm gonna kill him. Like literally my bum hurts from sitting here. It's like someone is poking me with a thousand needles on my hip. Well, now it's only me and one other girl. All the girls which came out of his room looked like he told them that they were gonna die in 2 days. I mentally laughed at them but was also terrified at the same time.  Some girls told that his mother is also there so I can do this. I yelled in my head.

Now it's my turn. All the girls were brutally rejected. As I went towards his office, his secretary yeah the same bitch smirked at me which I happily returned.

Oh God! This is it!

I slowly knocked at the door.
"Come in." came the voice which was not very pleasant to hear. Have I killed his puppy?

I entered the room with her secretary a.k.a bitch trailing behind me.
Omg is this place even real. It was the most beautiful and elegant office I've ever seen. The walls were made of glass so the view outside could be seen and it was beautifullll. The chandelier above my head was also the most beautiful one I've ever seen. But there was something which I could feel. Like I know this place. Like I've been here. These couches, the piano at the corner, the floor beneath me, all very familiar.

I looked ahead and there he was the devil himself, standing with his broad shoulders facing me. This is gonna be difficult.
"Hello!" came the sweet voice from my right side. I snapped my head towards the voice and saw A small woman in her early 50's standing there.

"Hey!" the voice came from my throat. Zack's tilted his face a little, not enough for me to see his face but enough for him to hear my voice more clearly.

"What's your name dear?" The women politely asked me. I already love her.

"My name is Emily Johnson and I'm 20 years old, well gonna be 21 next week," I said softly but now Zack's head was completely snapped towards me and don't ask me about his features.

He looked like a fuckin Greek God. He had a muddy brown hair which was neatly combed but small curls in his hair could be seen. Sharp jawline, perfect blue eyes, tanned skin and had a height of 6'4 feet and looked flawless in back and white suit.

Get a grip idiot, stop checking out your enemy. Okay okay.

And then his next gesture boiled my blood. He smirked at me. He ducking smirked at me. How dare he?
This is probably gonna be the hardest thing I've ever done in my life.

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