Chapter 9

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And that's how I ended up falling for Zack - I mean falling on Zack. I was so shocked that I didn't know what to do! His date!? To a ball!? I was so confused but when he told me it was nothing but only a fake date I got my senses back. According to his theory, he needed a gal for the ball and I was being grumpy 'according to him' so I needed to enjoy a little.

Like for real!?

I just made him a coffee with the poisonous pill. It had been 6 days since I was here. I talked to Annie today after breakfast. She's actually a pretty good girl. Her parents died in a car crash. She was left to face the cruelty of the world but she met us. She was afraid to talk to me first but then she warmed up with me. We almost shared the same story, so I felt good talking to her, talking to someone who actually knows what's life without anyone to share your life with.

I was sitting on my bed. It was nearly 9:30 pm. It was that one time, which was always hard to pass. The time when my dad would usually come home after his work and we all used to ate dinner together. This was the time when our home was always lit. Me and my sisters playing. Mum and dad scolding us for making so much noise.

Now it's so much silence in here. I held my legs closer to my chest, trying to hold back my tears. The only light in this dark room was moonlight that successfully escaped the curtains. I was so heartbroken. My heart was aching with pain, wishing to get my life back how it used to be!

No! I won't cry again. I cried enough. I looked around and saw my phone and headphones lying on the bed near me.
Music was another way of escaping this world. It helped me to run away from reality. With music, I always escape into a beautiful land. No pain, no sadness just peace and love.
I always listen to alternative rock. It encourages me to go on. I plugged my headphones, increased the volume and enjoyed one of my favorite song 'Centuries' by Fall Out Boys. I slowly started forgetting about this world and got lost in the music. Again one more night, I escaped my pain through music.

I was so much bored sitting in my small office, arranging his files. I'm only his caretaker but he won't let me sit in peace.
"Only one more min and then I'm out."
I mumbled to myself, eagerly waiting for a lunch break. As the clock struck 1:00 pm, I packed my purse, threw the files in my drawer neatly and hurried out of the room.

I heard they are giving chicken sandwiches in the canteen but I'm on my diet and how am I gonna resist coke!?. Ok, today I'm gonna eat it last time. Diet from tomorrow! Yeah!!

As I was busy in my lame thoughts, I bumped into a hard chest.
"Ouch!" I rubbed my sour nose and looked up to give this man a lecture but when I saw the smirking face of Zack, I knew what to do!

"Miss Rose, going somewhere in a hurry?" He gave me one of his charming smiles but I was not in the mood.
"Sir I'm so sorry. I've to go, it's the lunch break so I think you can guess why I'm in so much hurry. Ok bye!"
I tried to tell him the intensity of my hunger but my plan of escaping soon crushed when he said the next words,
"No! You're not eating here today. We are going out for shopping. I guess you don't own anything except those granny clothes." He knew he was right and I knew he was saying the truth. I was so embarrassed right now that I didn't know what to do except to observe the floor.
"But I don't need any new clothes!" I knew this protest was lame but still.

"I don't want to go to the ball with the granny clothed woman, so without saying a word follow me like a good girl." He turned on his heels faster than the light. I forcefully followed him with the smell of the chicken sandwich that I might've eaten if it wasn't for him. I gave him my most disgusted and bizarre face behind his back.

"Miss rose, don't make disgusting faces behind my back."

"Yes, sir!"

He opened his car door for me and acted like a gentleman he surely was. As I entered his car, the smell of his cologne engulfed my nose. I knew this smell, somewhere from my past but I knew better to ignore it. As he took the seat beside me, my heart started to beat at incredible speed. He started the car and we were on our way.
I couldn't even muster this much courage to at least have a glance at him.
I looked out of the window. Small drops of rain from earlier were still on the window.

Suddenly a car came to an abrupt stop. I looked at him confused but he totally ignored me and shut the door behind him. I looked to my side and saw one of the most expensive shops in the city. I didn't even realize that we had reached our destination. I got out of the car and followed him like a puppy I was. The clothes here were the most beautiful I've ever seen, sparkly and expensive. At this point, I could not keep myself from gawking like an idiot. I felt a hard pinch on my arm.


"Stop gawking, for God's sake!" I gave him my best murderous glare which he decided to ignore shamelessly and continued looking for the "perfect" dress for me. He went through all the dresses but not one could satisfy him. All the workers there were also giving him a hand.

"Ok! Try this one." He shoved a dress on my face.

"You know, you could have handed me a dress like a decent man." He just shrugged and sat on the sofa.
"Just see if you like it or not. Don't care about the size." I rolled my eyes and straightened the dress.
Beautiful...The only word I could use for this dress. It was a purple, sparkly dress. Long from the back but short from the front, reached only to my thighs. I had just opened my mouth to say something but at the same moment, the dress was rudely taken from my hands. I looked at Zack incredulously.

"What? From your reaction, I already knew you wanted it." Without waiting for my response, he went to the reception. It was an expensive one but I knew him better. We were back on our way. Suddenly Zack started coughing really hard. I was ready to massage his back but an invisible barrier kept me away.

"Are you okay!? I asked hoping he would be fine.
"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just been happening for a week now. I'm okay, don't worry about it." I knew the reason for this.


Poison was making him weak. My heart suddenly ached at thought of him leaving me. It made me more confused. I don't know what's happening to me.
I noticed that our route to the office was somewhat changed.

"Um, sir, where are we going?" I asked with confusion written all over my face.

"You are hungry. Right?"

"Um yeah."

"So we are going for dinner!"

Admin's note:
So guys here's the next chapter. I hope you guys do like it. Also, do comment on your favorite song or band which helps you to escape the sadness. 
Comment and vote if you like it.


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