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A groan slipped through her slightly parted lips as her body began to slowly awaken. She blinked away the blurriness that was clouding her vision and, after a moment, sat up. She groaned yet again when she realised that she was laying on the floor before the Evil Queen herself. "Perfect," she grumbled, re-closing her eyes and falling back onto the floor.

"Good you're awake. Get up," the Evil Queen ordered, rising from her chair. However, Teresa remained on the floor. "I said on your feet!"

"Go to hell," Teresa muttered.

The Evil Queen let out a deep breath through her nose, her fingers twitching in anger, threatening to conjure a fireball and torch the teenager, but she couldn't. As much as she wanted to, she needed to know where Snow White is. So she walked closer to the teenager and lifted her up by her hair, forcing her to stand. "When I say get on your feet, that means get on your feet!"

Teresa cringed from the pain that surged throughout her entire body. Her back was killing her from where King Midas' guard had shot her in the back with an arrow.

"Where's Snow White?"

Teresa scoffed. "Like I'd tell you."

The Evil Queen smirked and gripped the girls throat. "Where's Snow White?" She repeated, her eyes holding a thousand threats within them. "You're her little sidekick, don't tell me you don't know where she is!"

"I...I don't know where she is," Teresa said.

"Don't make me ask again."

"Even if I did know, why the hell would I tell you? Do what you have to do, your highness."

In one swift movement, the Evil Queen tore out her heart. Teresa fell to her knees, clutching at her chest as she took in deep breaths. She smirked down at the teenage girl as she squeezed her heart. "Now tell me, where is Snow White?"

Teresa looked up, and due to the Evil Queen having her heart, had to reply with honesty. "I don't know."

The Evil Queen sighed. "Then you're no used to me." She thrust the teens heart back into her chest before turning to face her guards. "Put her in the dungeon with the others."

"Yes, my Queen," the guards replied in unison. They walked over to Teresa and lifted her from the ground, dragging her down the hallway.


From within the cage she was placed in, Emma Swan watched as two of Regina's guards dragged Teresa to the empty cell next to hers before throwing her inside. Teresa groaned in pain as she landed on her injured back. Emma couldn't help the sigh of relief that escaped her lips since Regina hadn't killed the teenage girl. She had learned so much about Teresa when she read Henry's book, and from her mother.

"Are you alright?" Emma asked in concern.

Teresa looked up from the ground and her eyes landed on the blonde woman in the cell next to hers. She eyed the woman for a moment before nodding. "I'm fine," Teresa replied while sitting up. She cringed in pain and peeked over her shoulder to get a look at her wound. She couldn't really see it that well, but her shirt felt wet and sticky, so she knew she bled a lot.

"Let me see. I can help you," Emma offered.

Teresa gave the woman a strange look. "Why do you care?"

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