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EVERYONE WAS IN COMPLETE SHOCK. Their eyes were wide; bodies stiff; lips parted in shock; their thoughts going a mile a minute. None of them knew what to say, as they simply just stared at the fallen dagger that now spelled out Emma Swan.

Finally, it was Regina that spoke. "How could she be so stupid?"


"But there had to be another way!"

"There wasn't," Snow said. "That thing was going to kill you. She saved your life."

"Don't you think I know that?" Regina all but growled.

"And now she's the — Dark One." Henry's eyes were wide as he stared at the dagger on the wet pavement. He couldn't believe. The woman who gave him life, the woman who is the product of true love and has the powers of the savior, is now the Dark One.

"Now she's a problem for all of us," Teresa muttered.

"Teresa!" Snow exclaimed, her eyes widened in disbelief as she stared at her friend. "She's still good!"

"We have to think of the possibilities here, Snow. Rumplestiltskin was not a ray of sunshine as the Dark One, Emma will most likely be the same way."

"She's right," Regina agreed. "I mean, it's not like she rode off on a unicorn. She got sucked up by a vortex of evil."

"Where is she?" Robin asked. "Where has she gone?"

"Doesn't bloody matter," Hook grumbled, moving toward the dagger, Robin latched onto his wrist, forbidding him from doing so.

"Mate, don't."

"Get out of my way," Hook snarled, pushing the archer from out of his way. Robin moved back as Hook bent down to claim the dagger. "We can't find her, I can damn well bring her to me." He paused for a moment as he held up the dagger. "Dark One! With this dagger I command thee, return!"

Teresa, along with the others, looked around for Emma, yet they caught no sight of the blonde. Henry frowned.

"Dark One, appear!"

Again, nothing.

"Put that thing down before you hurt yourself, Guyliner," Regina said, stepping towards him. "I thought you knew the dagger's rules?"

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