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AFTER THEIR HUNT, TERESA AND HENRY MET UP WITH EVERYONE AT GRANNY'S. They sat beside each other at the counter, with Hook standing a couple feet away from them, his elbow leaning against the counter. Regina and Robin were sat together at a booth, with Snow and David not far away from them at a table; Merlin was standing near the door.

"So you can really do it...take the dark one dagger and put it together with Arthur's sword to re-create the original Excalibur?" David asked.

"I hope so," Merlin replied.

"And we can use it to save Emma?"

"Perhaps, but I need two things. The magical means to unite the two blades. That's my and Emma's quest." Merlin looked to Regina. "From you, I need..."

"The two blades," Regina finished, giving him a nod.

"We're pretty much at the open-warfare stage. Now, getting the partial sword from Arthur won't be easy," Robin said.

"As long as you're looking at the future, any hints on how?"

"Well, the future isn't exact. There are many parts..."

"Of course there are!" Hook sneered. "You're willing to send us behind enemy lines, but when it comes to specifics, everything's a little fuzzy, isn't it?!"

"Hook," David sighed. "Merlin's helping Emma."

"Is he?! She's sitting out there right now — " Hook pointed toward the door where Emma was seated outside on a rock. " — making things to pull memories out of people's heads, because that's what she does now instead of sleeping. I'm not quite seeing the helping!"

"I understand. I know what it is to lose someone you love to the Dark One. All I can ask of all of you is that you bring me that sword...and that you have patience with Emma. Her kind of power, for good or is a weight on the soul. And love is a great help, if you can find it."

"Okay, what's the plan?"

They were now leant over a map of Camelot's castle, trying to figuring out a plan for them to obtain the blade from King Arthur.

"We take them by surprise and go in through the front gate."

"Well, after our jailbreak, they'll be on high alert," Hook said. "We need a diversion at the drawbridge. The rest of us can climb the wall on the side."

"Are you forgetting? I've got magic. I can just poof into Arthur's bedroom." Zelena scoffed at Regina's suggestion. "What?!"

Zelena sat up, gesturing to her throat, smile on her face. "Well, if you're going to make a scene, you might as well make noise." With a wave of her hand, Zelena had her voice once again.

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