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THEY KNEW WHERE HOOK WAS, FINALLY. Apparently, as Teresa, Henry and Robin were on their quest for the maps in Regina's Underworld office, Snow and Emma were facing a three headed creature. While doing so with Snow's old friend named Hercules — who she gave a peaceful parting to — they later met Hades, who apparently runs Hell.

They were going to go in guns ablaze to rescue the fallen pirate that was being tormented by Hades, until Gold had arrived, proclaiming that he knew just where to find Hook. As Emma left with him, this left the rest of them to clean up the Underworld version of Snow and David's apartment. All the while, Henry seemed to be avoiding Teresa, leaving her to wonder just what he had encountered while in his mothers office, seeing as he has yet to share with her what he said he would later fell her. It was rather infuriating.

Now with news from Gold, they ran down the road toward the house that Emma and Henry helped Hook choose for his future with Emma, where Emma was now with Hook. They had succeeded in rescuing him.

They burst through the front door and instantly their eyes rested on Hook. Relieved and shocked breaths were released from many of them. Hook looked absolutely terrible. He was battered, bloody, bruised, and even his one eye was swollen shut. He was in obvious pain, as he was leaning against Emma for support.


Henry smiled at his blonde haired mother. "Good job, Mom."

"Well, aren't you a sight," Alice said, raising an eyebrow, a light smile on her lips.

Hook looked at her in shock, having never expected the sweet and caring Alice Biers to be in Hell. "Alice. shouldn't be here..."

"I had unfinished business," Alice replied, turning to look at Regina for a brief moment. "Now I've completed it."

Hook smiled, giving his friend a nod.

"How did you do it?" David asked his daughter.

"Gold got us in. He got us help. He poofed us back here. He even had a boat to get us all back home, but it's gone," Emma finished with a frown.

"What happened?" Teresa asked, referring to the rescue mission.

Hook glanced over at the young archer. "Hades attacked. We lost the boat and..." His face saddened. "We lost a friend. I hear you took away my sacrifice." He turned to look at Gold, a glare now on his face. "Everything I did to save my friends all went to give you back your power. I should kill you."

Gold raised his eyebrows, agreeing with him. "Acknowledged."

" helped get me out of there, so I should say..."

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