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Teresa's eyes opened slowly. She was met with a blank, white coloured ceiling. Despite her vision being blurring, she still was left in utter confusion. The last she remembered was seeing Snow's face being becoming limp in her friends arms. When she sat up, a surge of pain burst all the way up her back, making her fall back down onto the bed. She groaned, squeezing her eyes shut.

"Woah, take it easy!" A familiar voice said. One that made Teresa re-open her eyes and look at the man. "Prince James?" She asked.

He chuckled, briefly looking down at the floor. "It's David, actually."

Before she could ask where Snow White is, arms were suddenly being wrapped around her body. "Teri!" Teresa cringed, but relaxed and hugged her friend back with a smile on her lips.

Teresa pulled back and her eyes widened. Snow White was different in this realm. Her hair was incredibly short and wasn't even touching her shoulders, and her clothing was a strange pair of trousers and a soft shift that looked no where near a tunic. "Snow," she said, gaping at her friends appearance, "your hair! And what are you wearing?"

Snow chuckled. "You have a lot to learn about this world, Teri." Tears built in her eyes. "Oh, I've missed you so much!" She threw her arms around the blonde teenager again, making everyone in the room laugh.

"You have a great daughter, Snow."

Snow looked over at Emma and smiled. "The best."

"I do have to ask though," Teresa said as she laid back against her pillow. "Why does your daughter look the same age as you. And why did you marry the man we stole from?"

David chuckled. "Can't help true love, Teresa."


"And as for the age thing," Snow said. She bit her lip, knowing that perhaps the long story was better saved for another time. "Well, we'll explain everything later, but right now why don't you get some rest? You need to heal."

Teresa nodded and pulled the white sheet up to her shoulders. She closed her eyes, turning onto her uninjured side. She felt someone take her hand and, knowing it was Snow, smiled as she fell back to sleep.


The next time Teresa woke up it was morning and the sun was shining brightly through the blinds, blinding her. Teresa groaned and rolled over, but cringed and let out a hiss of pain since she laid on her bad shoulder.

"Are you okay?" A concerned voice asked. Teresa opened her eyes to see who it was, and found Ruby sitting at her bedside with a white cup in her hand.

She smiled, having not seen Ruby yet since she woke up in the hosptial. "Nice hair," she commented, seeing the red streak in her hair. "Red."

Ruby chuckled, twisting a lock between her fingers. "Thanks."

Teresa furrowed her brows. There was something off about Ruby. "Where's your cloak?" She asked, finally noticing its absence. "You never go anywhere without it."

"I only need it when the time comes. Besides, no one wears cloaks in Storybrooke."

Teresa snorted. "Storybrooke? Like storybook?"

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