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IT TOOK TERESA A FULL MONTH TO HAVE CONTROL OF HER MAGIC. A complete month where she grieved her mother. A complete month where she missed her friends, and Storybrooke. A complete month where got to get to know both of her cousins. But now it was time for her to go back to Storybrooke, and both Elsa and Anna understood her reasons for wanting to get back to Snow. Though, the archer did promise to find a way to visit whenever she could.

On the docks of Arendelle, Teresa stood with Elsa, Anna and Kristoff.

"Safe travels, cousin," Elsa said as she softly gripped her hands.

Teresa enveloped her in a hug. "I'll miss you."

Elsa hugged back, rather tightly, as she fought back tears. "I'll miss you too."

It was a few moments before they pulled apart. Teresa gave Elsa a smile before stepping onto the boat. Anna and Kristoff followed, and with a wave to Elsa, the captain began setting sail for the Enchanted Forest.

It was in the Enchanted Forest that Teresa was going to search through Rumplestiltskin's mansion for a way back to Storybrooke. Surely there had to be a way with all the artifacts he keeps. And since the Dark One was currently in Storybrooke, getting inside his castle was going to be quite easy.

Teresa planted herself down onto the deck, where she then rummaged through her bag for the novel she discovered in her mother's old trunk full of her belongings. She had taken a few things from it, including the Arendelle necklace that now rested around her neck.

"Why don't we do something to pass the time?" Anna suggested.

"Like what?" Kristoff asked his wife.

Anna thought on it for a moment before grinning with an idea in her cheerful mind. "How about a game?"

Teresa raised an eyebrow at her cousin. "You do realize we're on a boat right?"

Anna put her hands on her hips and gave the blonde a look. "I'm well aware."

"Fine," Teresa gave in. "Why don't we play 20 questions?"

"20 -- what?" Kristoff asked in confusion.

Teresa smiled as she recalled her being just as confused as him when Henry mentioned that they play 20 Questions. "It's a game, Henry taught me it."

"Henry?" Anna said questioningly. Her eyebrows knitted together as she thought to remember who Henry was. She then remembered there being a teenage boy around Teresa's age that seemed to be in the same places as Emma. "Emma's son?"

Teresa nodded. "Yea."

Anna then smirked. "So this Henry taught you how to play a game?"

Teresa gave her a weird look. "Yea..."

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