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AUGUST SAT TIED TO A CHAIR, TERESA NEARBY, AS GOLD AND REGINA QUESTIONED HIM. Now Teresa didn't know August very well, but she knows the look of fear in someone's eyes, and August's eyes held plenty of it.

"I already told you...I don't know anything about this author," August said for what felt like the one-hundredth time in the last twenty minutes, as he struggled against the ropes that kept him in his chair.

Curella and Ursula then walked in from having been outside, the latter of the two walking over to August and thrusting a knife to his throat. "Well, perhaps you could use a little incentive."

"Oh, that knife is not gonna make me remember something that I don't know."

"Wait." Regina said as she used her magic to bring the knife into her hand.

"Is there a problem?" Ursula asked.

"I knew she'd never the stomach for this. Perhaps she needs some incentive." Cruella smirked. "Let's kill the archer now."

Teresa's eyes widened and she looked at Regina, who gave the black and white haired woman a smirk. "Please. I was torturing people back when you were still playing with puppies. This sorry excuse for a man used to be made of wood. So let's light a fire under him and see what happens." Regina waved her hand and lit a magic fireball in her palm.

August leaned back in his chair, a frightened look on his face. "Okay. All right. You know something? I actually, uh, do remember something about The Author."

Regina turned and threw her fireball into the fireplace, lighting the wood within in.

"Um..." August stumbled for words.

"Don't hold out on us."

"W-When I was in Hong Kong, uh, before the curse broke, I met a mystic. His name was The Dragon." Teresa arched a brow at the name. "I don't know how he knew about the book, but he had been looking for The Author for years."

"And what did this dragon learn?"

"He died before I could ask."

Of course he did, Teresa mentally sighed.

"Oh, well, that's something you two are about to have in common." Gold stood and began walking toward him with a glare on his face that got August talking again.

"And after he died...I took his research." August smiled. "And I brought it with me to Storybrooke."

"Do you really think this man-child is telling us the truth?" Maleficent asked.

"Well, it wouldn't be the first time he's lied to my face. I'm afraid I'm gonna have to pay a visit to his trailer to find out." Gold walked over to coat rack and grabbed his jacket, prepared to leave.

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