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TERESA WOKE THE NEXT MORNING TO LOUD KNOCKING AT HER DOOR. She groaned and threw the covers off her body. Throwing her her legs over the mattress, she then began to walk over to her door. She opened it to find an irritated looking Granny.

"What can I do you for?" she tiredly asked the gray haired woman.

Granny put her hands on her hips. "You didn't lock up last night and now all my liquor is gone."

"Yes I did. I lock up every single night, that's our deal. What do you mean someone drank all your liquor?"

Granny sighed. "Those witches and Regina drank the diner dry last night."

"Well, I can assue you that I did lock up. They have magic, they can easily unlock a door," Teresa replied. Her sleepy eyes then widened. "Hold up, did you just say Regina?"

"Yes," Granny called over her shoulder as she turned and left to head back to her diner.

Teresa's eyebrows furrowed. "Since when was Regina hanging out with them?" she muttered.

Teresa then closed her door and hurriedly got dressed so she could find out just what the hell was going on.

After combing her hair and throwing into a hair tie, Teresa locked up her room and shoved her keys into her pocket. In the hallway, she bumped into Hook.

"Woah!" Teresa said, barely dodging the hook. "You should really walk with that thing pointed down."

Hook rolled his eyes. "Perhaps you shouldn't run in small hallways."

Teresa began walking toward the diner, and Hook followed. "Have you seen Regina?" he asked her. "Apparently she's went undercover last night and hasn't returned."

"No, but Granny came knocking on my door wondering why I didn't lock up. Which I did, by the way. Apparently she, Ursula, Cruella and a fourth one came in and drank the diner dry of its liquor."

When they got the the Diner, Teresa stopped short. A table was on its side and burnt, and broken bottles were scattered all over the place. "Woah..." Teresa muttered.

The pair then exited the building and found a panic-looking Emma jumping out of her car.

"Find anything in there?" Emma asked, her eyes on Hook.

"Well, a burned table, broken bottles, uh, and a very irate Granny," Hook replied

"Apparently, Regina and the witches drank the place dry," Teresa said, folding her arms over her chest. "I'd say she won them over."

"Unless that's exactly what they wanted her to think."

"Look," Hook sighed. "I know you're worried, but we don't even know what happened yet."

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