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HENRY WOKE WITH A GROAN, HIS ENTIRE HEAD POUNDING. As he moved his nose, where the pain seemed to be originating from, he could feel dry, crusted blood stretch under his one nostril. His nose had stopped bleeding, but the pain was still very much there.

When his dizziness disappeared, Henry found that he had been tied to an overturned wagon. He pulled on his restraints, just as Isaac spoke.

"So now we're both trapped in the book. Congratulations. Let me tell you something about this place — it's cold, there's no running water, and things are always trying to kill you."

Henry struggled against his restraints. "Let me go!"

"Not a chance. This book we're in — it's worked out quite nicely for me. I don't need you running around changing things. This is my story, and no hero gets a happy ending."

Henry continued to struggle against his ropes while staring at Isaac. "Why? Would that somehow destroy the book?" Isaac remained silent, giving Henry the answer he was hoping for: yes. "That's what you're afraid of, isn't it?"

"Doesn't matter. You've brought us into the final chapter?"

"How do you know?"

"I know because I wrote it. And I know how it ends — with the loud tolling of bells at sunset," Isaac said. "When you hear that sound, it'll mean we've reached the last page. The book will end, and everything will remain exactly how I wrote it." 

Suddenly, a loud roar and the sound of enormous footsteps could be heard coming toward them. Henry looked up to see some sort of large creature on a rampage; his eyes widened in alarm.

Isaac smirked. "There we are. Right on time."

"What is that?"

"Oh, the inciting incident of this chapter — an ogre attack. And you know what they say: You don't have to be faster than the ogre. You just have to be faster than the next guy." That being said, Isaac dashed away as the ogre drew nearer.

"Wait!" The ogre got closer, causing Henry's heart to race in fear. When it screeched at him, it only further horrified him. "Help! Help me!"

Suddenly, Henry's knight in shining armor arrive. Literally. A man had galloped in on a horse, clad in golden armor. The masked man used a powerful blast of white magic, which instantly killed the large ogre.

The villagers, who Henry knew could have helped him when he was yelling for help, emerged from their homes and began to make their way over to the dead ogre.

"The monster is dead," said a woman. "The ogre slayer saved us! Thank you. If there is anything my family and I can do to repay you — "

The man removed his helmet, leaving Henry in shock. It was his grandfather, Mr. Gold, as known as Rumpelstiltskin.

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