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Around the time that Jim Gordon got reinstated to the GCPD, and it became clear that Harvey wasn't coming back, Sarah Essen made an executive decision. Which, she was sort of allowed to do now that she was Commissioner and everything.

"No," Jim said immediately, shaking his head. "Absolutely not. I'm just fine on my own. I don't need some rookie coming in and messing everything up."

"Y/N L/N is no rookie, Jim. She's been working for two years in Metropolis, not to mention the enormous recommendations she comes with," Essen argued. "The decision has already been made. Don't fight me on this, Jim. That's an order."

Jim huffed and just as he was about to open his mouth again, a knock came at the door. Essen gave Jim a stern look before going to the door and opening it.

"Hi," greeted a girl with a warm smile, dressed in a GCPD uniform.

"Hello, Y/N. This is—" Sarah smiled.

"Jim Gordon," Y/N interrupted. "Sorry. But I've heard a lot about you. All the work you and Essen have done to clean up Gotham and the GCPD."

Jim smiled a pained smile at her, unable to protest their partnership again with the woman standing right there. He noticed that she was classically pretty—cute, button nose, plump, curvy lips, the works.

"Jim, this is Y/N," Essen introduced. "She's going to be your new partner."

"Hey," he greeted.

"If that's all, you two should probably get back to the Maniax case. Jim will catch you up to speed, Y/N," Essen dismissed.

Jim walked briskly out of the office, effectively ignoring Y/N as he went. She quickly turned and jogged after him, huffing.

"So I've already read up some on the situation a little, and—" Y/N started, but was cut off.

"Look, I didn't ask Essen for a new partner. Harvey was my partner, and now that he's gone I'm just fine being on my own," Jim growled.

"You listen to me. I didn't come to this crime infested city to be pushed aside by some stubborn asshole who thinks he knows everything. I came here to try and clean up Gotham, and I will  whether you like it or not," Y/N shouted, grabbing his arm and forcing him to turn and face her. "Now what do you got?"

Jim stared at her for moment in shock before grudgingly replying. "Dobkins, Helzinger, Greenwood, Valeska, and Kean. Those are the ones still missing. Sionis' body was found the same day as the breakout. We found out that they stole a truck from Yellen's Shipyard and have put out an APB on it."

"Thank you," Y/N said.

"We got a sighting of the stolen truck!" Alvarez shouted, running up the stairs to them.

"Let's move out!" Jim ordered.

"Let's go, partner," Y/N grinned, dragging Jim to a patrol car.

By the time Y/N and all the other officers arrived, the Maniax had already taken over the bus. Some of the less academically inclined cops began shooting at the Maniax standing in front of the bus, particularly the redhead that Y/N identified as Jerome Valeska. Jim was quick to rectify the situation.

"Hold your fire! Hold your fire!" He yelled. It wasn't a smart idea to shoot at the bus anyway, let alone when there are hostages doused in gasoline aboard.

"Drop your weapons and stand down," Y/N ordered the criminals. Instead Jerome continued to fire off crazy shots until he ran out of bullets. As he ran back to the truck, Y/N managed to shoot off a couple of bullets, one of which grazed his side, causing him to turn and glare at the offending officer.

"Jim, hurry, the bus!" She shouted to her new partner, but he was already on the way, tackling Dobkins and consequently making him drop the lighter and start a fire. As Jim climbed onto the bus to pull away, Y/N dashed over to Dobkins and cuffed him, dragging him away from the spreading fire.

Meanwhile Jerome and the red truck were pulling away, his eyes still on the pretty officer that'd nearly shot him.

Dobkins was quick to inform Jim and his partner that he had been abducted and coerced into the Maniax scheme, but before he could say by who, two bullets came seemingly from nowhere and silenced him forever.

"Shooter on the roof!" Jim yelled.


"Whoever it is that broke them out must have some killer resources," Y/N speculated back at the GCPD. "To get them such weapons and get assassins to take out the Maniax when they're captured. They clearly don't have a real need for them to stay alive beyond their plans. They must be using them to accomplish something. But what?"

"I wish I knew," Jim replied. "You did pretty well back there, you know? You got a couple of good shots on Valeska. You handled it all very well."

"Is this your way of apologizing for being a douchebag?" Y/N smirked.

Jim gave her a small, genuine smile at that and eventually nodded. "I guess I thought I didn't need anybody, and they'd only slow me down, but you're better than I expected from someone like you."

"Someone like me?" Y/N asked.

"You know, you look almost delicate on the surface, but you've got a fire burning inside you. And a dark side. I know because I have it too," Jim explained. Just then, his phone rang. "Gordon."

Suddenly his expression turned and he pulled the phone away from his ear. "Hi, Barbara. How are you?"

Y/N's eyes widened and she stood, running to Essen's office to let her know.

"Barbara's called Jim. They're on the phone," she informed her boss.

She turned back around to look for Jim through the open door, but he was gone. "He's left."

"To where?" Essen asked.

"Yo, Commish," an accented voice said behind her. Y/N turned and immediately reached for her weapon. "Heard you been looking for us."

"Ah ah ah," Jerome Valeska tutted, handgun already pointed at her and Essen. Explosions and smoke bombs went off on the floor of the GCPD and Jerome began to laugh hysterically. Gun shots began to ring out as well, firing upon officers and killing them in their own headquarters.

"You bastard," Y/N cursed.

"You hurt me, gorgeous, you hurt me right here," Jerome pouted, pointing to his heart.

"If I recall correctly I hurt you right here," she returned, prodding him in the spot where she'd grazed him with bullet.

"Oh I haven't forgotten, dollface," he smirked. He deftly reached into her gun holster and snatched her weapon. "Now if you two lovely ladies will join me out here."

Y/N and Essen were forced to follow Jerome out to where two chairs awaited them, which Jerome gestured to as a sign that they sit. Grudgingly the two powerful women sat, and were soon tied to the chairs at the wrists.

"Hell of a first week you're having, Commissioner. And an even worse first day for you, Y/N. Wish I could say things are gonna get better for you. They're not," Jerome taunted them.

"First things, first. I gotta even things out between us, Y/N," he smiled, raising his gun and planting a bullet in the edge of her side. Y/N bit her lip instead of screaming like he wanted. As a result, her lip bled, causing blood to roll down her chin.

Jerome wiped it off of her chin and smiled at the blood on his hand, sucking his finger clean before continuing. "And turning you around is gonna be hard enough as it is without adding more fuel to your Jerome hate fire. Nap time!"

Y/N felt immediately woozy as a gust of the knockout gas was blasted in her face. The last thing she saw before she blacked out was Jerome's smiling face.

Word Count: 1330
Hey-o! This one is kinda dark, and she and Jim don't have a romantic thing going on as Jim is with Lee. You are just growing on him. Like a tumor.
Anywho, this is part 1, so part 2 will be coming soon! Hit up my request box and don't forget to vote and comment! Thanks you guys!

Jerome Valeska One-ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon