Found You

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Y/N was sitting alone on her apartment's couch when she got the call.

"Y/N?" Jim asked. "Are you sitting down?"

"Yes, Jim, I'm on the couch. What's wrong? What's happened?" Y/N wondered, nibbling on her lower lip in worry.

"Dwight succeeded somehow. Turn on the news right now," Jim ordered.

Y/N did as asked, grabbing her TV remote off of the armrest and turning on the television to Channel 9 News.

"—which we will play, in hopes it leads to his apprehension."

"Jim what is—" Y/N started to ask, but then she heard it. His voice.

"Testing, testing. Is this thing on? Am I live? Am I on air? Aw, screw it let's just do it." It was Jerome. It was his voice, his face—but what were all those staples doing in it?

"What the hell is going on, Jim?" Y/N demanded.

"I've already dispatched a patrol car to guard your new apartment. He's filming live, so you've got some time to hide. He doesn't know about this apartment, right?" Jim worried.

"He shouldn't. I stayed in an apartment on the opposite side of Gotham when he... you know. But even if he doesn't know, nothing will stop him from getting what he wants Jim," Y/N warned.

"Maybe what he wants isn't you right now. He didn't ask Lee about you. Maybe dying made him forget about you," Jim suggested.

Why did the idea of Jerome forgetting her hurt so bad? He'd kidnapped her, held her hostage, threatened to torture her.

But he never did, Y/N couldn't help but think. Jerome had never hurt her, no matter how many times he'd threatened to. The only thing that he'd ever really done to hurt her was die.

And now, apparently, forget that she existed.

"He's in the power plant across the river," Y/N heard Jim mutter through the phone.

"What?" She tuned back in, watching the feed only for it to cut off.

Then the power went off.

"Y/N, don't panic," Jim panted. He must be running. "I'm going to do everything in my power to—"

The line went dead.

Y/N immediately did exactly what Jim asked her not to. She panicked.

Jerome has a cult, a following, Y/N remembered. He probably sent some of them to find me while he kickstarted his plan.

In that way, the power outage was a distraction.

Suddenly Y/N heard a knock at her door and nearly had a heart attack.

"Y/N? GCPD! We're the unit Gordon dispatched. Just wanted to let you know that we got here," a voice shouted through the door.

Y/N let out a sigh of relief. Just Gordon's protection. Though they probably won't be able to do much to stop Jerome.

"Alright!" She called out, but immediately began fortifying her door, piling tons of furniture in front of it.

She also went and checked her windows, locking them and closing the blinds and curtains. After all of her precautions, Y/N grabbed all of the food that she could carry and took it into her bedroom, which she locked herself in. What? Who knows how long I'll be in here? And you can never have too much food.

Y/N opened up a bag of pretzels and began nervously munching on them. Eating when nervous is such a bad habit, especially considering that I've got a psychopathic ginger looking for me.

Sadly, the sound of her own crunching in her ears covered up the noise the door made as it opened, easily pushing all the furniture smoothly backwards seeing as it was set on a rug on her hardwood floor.

The obnoxious sound that the bag made as it crinkled buried the soft chuckle the intruder uttered as he saw her pitiful fortifications. It also proved to hide the light step of his stride in the hall.

However, the noises Y/N made as she ate did not disguise the loud ring of a gunshot outside her window. Y/N immediately rushed over and saw through the blinds what looked like two of her neighbors in a gunfight, guns firing back and forth between the two volatile men.

"What the hell?" Y/N muttered.

"Gotham isn't quite hell yet, gorgeous," a voice commented from the doorway.

Y/N quickly spun around, facing the intruder.

"Found you," Jerome grinned. The pretzel bag dropped from her hand. "Oh no, please don't stop eating on my account. I know how you love your food, dollface."

"How did you get in here?" Y/N demanded immediately.

"So you must have seen my broadcast! Or, maybe Jim called you. You two are together now, right? Lee said that she and Jim broke it off. Did ol' Jimbo swoop in and snatch you up after I passed on, gorgeous?" Jerome asked, smile dangerous as he slowly strode towards her.

"Jim did call. He said that you didn't remember me," Y/N corrected.

"You do care! Have you really been faithful to me all this time, baby?" Jerome questioned eagerly.

"What are you even talking about Jerome? You kidnapped me! And no, I'm not dating Jim! And what the hell happened to your face?" Y/N yelled.

"Shh, the cops will hear you," he hushed her. Then he began giggling. "Kidding. They work for me."

"To answer your questions, you belong to me. You always have, baby. And you always will," Jerome continued darkly, coming closer. "I was just trying to bring you around to it slowly, instead of just butchering you until you agreed, which my mind was just begging to do. But no. My heart was set on winning you. But my heart stopped beating."

He grabbed her upper arms and shoved her backwards into the wall.

"And now I've finally decided to come and claim what's mine, face stapled on or no," Jerome whispered.

Then his lips were on hers and Y/N's mind went totally blank.

It felt strange to kiss a man whose lips had been stretched wide, presumably by whatever had been done to it while it was detached from his body. But that didn't bear thinking about, especially not in a moment as hot as this one.

Jerome's lips moved skillfully over hers, consuming her, claiming her. She shouldn't have enjoyed it as much as she did. And she definitely shouldn't have kissed back. But Y/N couldn't bring herself to remain unmoving under his masterful ministrations.

She tentatively returned his kiss, behaving rather shy about it as it was her first in a long while. Her reciprocation encouraged Jerome further, and his tongue slithered out to trace hers.

The wetness on her lips seemed to break Y/N from her trance and she snapped back to the present, ripping her head away from his.

"That's all right gorgeous. I don't expect you to be used to it right away. But that told me all that I needed to know," Jerome snickered. "Time to go."

Without further warning, Jerome picked up Y/N and threw her over his shoulder. She immediately began thrashing in his hold, but stopped when she felt a sharp stinging in her butt.

"Did you just spank me?" Y/N demanded.

"And I'll do it again if you keep that up. Settle in, gorgeous. We've got a long night ahead of us," Jerome replied.

Word Count: 1234
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Jerome Valeska One-Shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن