Bundle of Grief

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You bit your lip as you stared at the plus sign glaring at you from your hand. When your period was late, you immediately went out to purchase the test, unsure how you would feel about the news either way. Two more positive tests sat on the floor beside you. After all, you wanted to be absolutely sure of the results before you took further action.

What do I do now? The question bounced around your head, growing progressively louder the longer you were unable to come up with an answer.

Trying to find a place to start, you asked yourself, Do I want to keep this baby?

Your gut quickly told you that there was no way you could bring yourself to terminate the pregnancy. There are certainly others that feel the need to, and I can see how, but I'm not one of them. I'm the one that messed up, and I will take responsibility for this child.

But it wasn't like the mistake was made alone. Oh god, what am I gonna tell Jerome? I don't think he'd want the baby. Should I even tell him, or should I just get out while I have the chance?

Contemplating how you'd raise a baby alone and how being left out could make Jerome feel if he did want the baby made you realize that you had to tell him. Even if he wasn't happy, he wouldn't hurt you. He loved you. The two of you would make it work or go your separate ways like adults.

You heard the front door open and quickly stood, wiping your face of tears.

"Babydoll?" Jerome called out to you.

You opened the bathroom door and quietly walked out, pregnancy test still in hand, shutting the door behind you with a resounding click. Your heart pounded in your throat as you heard Jerome turn the corner, looking up to meet his worry-filled eyes.

"What's wrong, babygirl..." he trailed off, eyes falling to the pregnancy test in your hand.

"Um," you said, holding yourself. "I'm-I'm pregnant."

"Are you fucking serious?" Jerome demanded quietly.

"Yes, of course. I wouldn't joke about something like this," you replied, confused.

"How could you let this happen?" He yelled.

You shrunk in on yourself only a little before getting angry enough to reply back. "What do you mean how could I let this happen? It takes two to make a baby, mister!"

"Don't get smart with me. We use protection every time, so if you're pregnant, it's not mine," he snarled.

"Condoms only have like a 97% success rate, Jerome. These things happen. And I take great offense that you would even suggest that I've been unfaithful," you snapped, hurt. "If you don't want this baby, that's fine, but I do, so if that means I have to leave you, I will."

"Fine, if that's the way you feel, pack all your shit and go. I'd like to see you try and make it without me," Jerome shouted, stalking away.

You held your chest, feeling your heart crack in despair. You knew he might not react well, but you didn't think he would be so cruel. Maybe he's just lashing out...

But like hell were you going to just sit there and take it, especially with a baby in the picture now, too. You let the tears fall down your face as you went to the bedroom and began packing some of your things, texting one of your friends a brief overview of the situation and asking if you could stay there.

You tried not to think too hard about what you were doing until you were at the front door, bags in hand as your friend waited in her car.

Jerome came around the corner, looking upset. "You're really going to pick them over me?"

"I shouldn't have had to. I love you, but I will not stand for how you just treated me. If you change your attitude, you know how to get ahold of me," you replied coldly.

Then, you opened the door and walked out of his life, perhaps for forever.
Word Count: 689
Here's the worse reaction from that request. Hope you enjoyed these quick blurbs. Stay safe and healthy!

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