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A harsh shriek rang out, shattering the night air. Jerome shot up out of bed, immediately knowing what was wrong.

Her sobs followed soon after, breaking further the slivers of Jerome's heart. He was out of his room in an instant and halfway to hers when she shouted his name the first time.

She'd yelled it twice more before Jerome had the stupid door open and was at her bedside.

"Shh, shh, I'm fine, baby, I'm right here," he cooed, stroking her hair with one hand and taking hers with the other.

Y/N flung her head side to side violently, still stuck in her nightmare. Just like every night.

When it became clear that soothing her was not going to work as it normally did, Jerome climbed into bed beside her, rolling her onto her side to face him.

"Y/N! Y/N, babygirl, wake up. I'm right here gorgeous," he pleaded, caressing her cheeks.

She thrashed again and Jerome took her into his arms, keeping her tight in his secure embrace. Gradually her whimpers faded away and her eyelids fluttered open, allowing a couple of tears to slide down her face.

"J-Jerome?" She croaked.

"That's right, Y/N. It's me baby," Jerome assured her.

"I-I dreamed that you'd died again. And I was alone again, like last year. That Galavan came back somehow and killed you again, and made me watch. He said that he was going to make me his queen instead," Y/N cried, burying her face in Jerome.

That son of a bitch. Ruining my precious girl from beyond the grave. Even dead he's trying to take everything from me.

"But he didn't, Y/N, I'm here. I'm alive, with you," he soothed.

"But it seemed so real," she whispered, staring at nothing.

"I don't know why you insist on sleeping alone, gorgeous. You know it just gives you nightmares. And I'd never try anything. At least not unless you wanted me to," Jerome said, wiggling his eyebrows playfully at the end, hoping to lighten the mood.

"I just don't want to be a burden," Y/N confessed.

"Not to sound harsh, babe, but this situation is harder to deal with than if you were just with me. It takes me too long to reach you and calm you down. And cuddle sessions are no burden, baby. If anything it's stimulating," Jerome replied, winking.

Y/N smiled at his blatant flirting and blushed at the implications.

"Why don't we move this cuddle sesh back to my room gorgeous? The bed is bigger," he suggested.

"Jerome," Y/N warned.

"What? We're going to sleep, babe. Get your head out of the gutter," he teased, hopping up out of her bed.

"I'm not moving," Y/N protested.

"Fine. Hang on tight, gorgeous," Jerome replied.

With that, he leaned over and picked up his lady bridal style. Y/N threw her arms around his neck in alarm, squealing at the sudden movement.

Jerome carried her out the door, down the hallway, and back to his room, where he promptly tossed her onto the bed, giggling at her landing. He climbed into bed behind her and maneuvered her to his liking until they were comfortably spooning.

"Comfortable?" Y/N teased.

"Very," snorted Jerome into her hair. "Sleep, gorgeous. I'll be here when you wake up, like always. I'm not going anywhere. Sleep."

Y/N hummed and wiggled in place before doing exactly as he said.

She slept.

Word Count: 580
So this one was shorter. It's a placeholder for Partner Part 2. Hope you enjoyed it!

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