When He Thought She Cheated

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Y/N is cheating on me. She has to be.

Every day this week, she's come home late and snuck out of our bed in the middle of the night when she thinks I'm asleep. She always comes back before I 'wake up' looking exhausted but satisfied.

The worst part has to be that this is all happening right before my birthday. My birthdays have a history of being sucky, but I was hoping that now that my parents were dead and I was with Y/N, it'd be better. Of course, I've never told her about my birthday, as it's such a sore spot, but she has such a natural kindness and compassion that I was sure just having her here would make things better.

But no.

Because now, the oh-so-sweet girl I so treasure is two timing me—and she thinks she's being sneaky about it. I've been tempted to just kill her and be done with it, but I'm too attached now. Fuck my life, but I love this girl.

Plus, I really want to find out who she's doing behind my back so I can brutally murder him first while she watches. Then I'll figure out what to do with her.

I also can't help that I keep hearing this tiny voice in my head telling me that maybe she's innocent—and fuck me if I don't want to believe it.

So yeah, go ahead and laugh if you want—the mass murderer Jerome Valeska is too chicken to kill his cheating woman without proof—it will hurt no less if I kill you while you laugh (and join in of course).

Today is my birthday. And I figure the perfect birthday present will be murdering the bastard Y/N is screwing behind my back.

So tonight, when she snuck out of bed, I decided to follow her. She walks out of our apartment building and down the street. I was expecting for her to hop in her guy's car and be off, but she keeps walking down the sidewalk, and I already want to strangle her. She's been walking alone around Gotham at night? She's dating a murdering psychopath, shouldn't she know that walking alone at night is a death sentence? And who is the douchebag she's seeing that he doesn't at least come get her?

But I keep following, now more to make sure someone else doesn't kill her. Y/N keeps walking down the street, not once turning back. Have all my lessons about being followed been for nothing?

Soon enough, she reaches Gotham Park. I frown. Has Y/N been into kinky exhibitionism all this time with some other guy and not told me?

I feel left out. She's been getting kinky with someone else and not me? What the hell!

In my frustration I stopped, but Y/N keeps walking into the park. I hasten to catch up, and find her sitting on top of a blanket on a hill, looking directly at me. There are strings of lights hanging in the trees, as well as a basket of food sitting beside her.

I can't say anything but, "What the fuck?"

Y/N chuckles softly. "Happy Birthday, baby."

"What?" I deadpan.

"The last week, I've been sneaking out to gather all of this stuff for your birthday and setting it up, bit by bit. I figured that you'd get suspicious and follow me, but I just had to hope that it would be tonight and not some other night. And it worked," Y/N smiles.

"So you're not cheating on me?" I ask.

"Cheating on you? What? Is that really what you thought? No, I snooped and found your birthday date and decided to do all this," Y/N answers.

"Of course that's what I thought! Why would you stick with me when you could be with some other, saner guy?" I retort.

"Jerome," she frowns. "I'm yours. You're more than enough for me. For forever."

I smile happily and sit down before leaning in to kiss her. Happy Birthday indeed.

Word Count: 682
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