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Jerome was just getting settled in Arkham, and had joined up with Richard Sionis's group (they have benefits). Some saner lackey of his was getting Jerome acquainted with people as they filed into the rec room.

"That there is Robert Greenwood," he said. "He's part of our group. He killed and ate a dozen women."

"Kinky," Jerome snorted. "Who's that?"

He pointed at a stocky giant of a man that was slowly coming their way.

"Oh, that's Aaron. He murdered his family with his bare hands, but he's harmless, really. Has the mind of a five year old," the lackey brushed it off.

"Who's that?" Jerome asked suddenly, staring at a gorgeous lady that had just walked in. "Is she one of us?"

"Who, Polly? No, she's too crazy to be one of us. Plus, she hates Richard because he propositioned her once," the man explained.

"Too crazy, huh? Sounds like my kind of girl. Her name really Polly?" Jerome wondered, drooling slightly.

"Nah, her name's Y/N, but everybody calls her Polly."


"Go talk to her and find out."

Jerome sighed and stood, slicking back that one rebellious strand of hair before sauntering over to the beautiful girl. Of course, that same strand was hanging in the same spot on his forehead again by the time he reached her. He plopped down in the seat across from her, which she failed to notice. Though she was staring absently at the table, if you looked closer you would see that she was listening intently to something or someone.

"Hiya, gorgeous! I'm Jerome," the ginger greeted cheerfully, propping his elbows on the table with his face resting in his hands.

"Hiya, gorgeous! I'm Jerome," Y/N mocked. It would have been annoying had it not sounded exactly like what Jerome had just said. His voice practically came from her mouth.

He started, surprised, and cautiously went to speak again. "I heard people here call you Polly. Personally, I like
Y/N better."

"I like Y/N better!" She parroted, and again her voice sounded exactly like Jerome's.

"Can you make your own sentences, gorgeous, or just mock mine?" Jerome asked.

"Just mock mine!" Y/N repeated.

Jerome tilted his head at the girl. Sure, she seemed crazy as fuck, and maybe not even the good kind, just the looney kind. But Jerome sensed that it was all an act, that something else lied beneath the surface. Pretending like all you could do was mimic other people was a pretty good defense mechanism for a girl fending for herself in an asylum.

No one ever really harasses the real crazy chicks in the nuthouse. Girls like Y/N that were annoying and acted like children were not as appealing as girls that were simply criminally insane and liked bloodshed. That kind got guys going, and it was even satisfying that they'd broken the emotionless murderesses. No one wants to break something that's already broken. It's not nearly as fun. So people leave Y/N alone, which makes it a pretty good front. But it didn't convince Jerome.

"If I sat here and complimented you all day long, would you say them right back to me? That would stroke my ego perfectly doll," Jerome commented.

"Stroke me perfectly doll," Y/N cleverly twisted, purposefully making an innuendo of his phrase.

"You know doll, we can play this game all day, but I know that there's more to that pretty face than you're letting on. And no matter how many times you parrot me doll, I won't leave you alone," Jerome sighed.

"Leave me alone," she twisted again, still speaking in his voice.

"It's things like that that make me certain this is all an act, baby," Jerome pointed out. "You don't need to be scared of me. I just want to be your friend. You need a good friend in here."

"Don't need a good friend in here," Y/N said forcefully in his voice.

"I'll get you to open up, gorgeous. Just you watch," Jerome promised. "Wish me good luck!"

"Good luck," Y/N said dryly in Jerome's voice as the energetic boy skipped back to his earlier table. "You'll need it."

Word Count: 701
I really like this one :)
Requests are open, as always, so feel free to make them! That can be done either in the comments or in my DMs, either is fine by me! Thanks bunches!

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