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This was it. The culmination of everything they'd been working for. The climax of their little production.

Jerome had Bruce Wayne in his clutches, knife to his frail neck. All they had to do now was put an end to the Boy King and they would be the new rulers of Gotham. The King and Queen of Crime. The thought brought a sickeningly twisted smile to Y/N's face.

After this, the couple could finally ditch Galavan and the stupid rag-tag Maniax and kill all of them before they could do it first. This would be only the start of their rise to power. Soon all of the criminal underworld would be dead or working for them, and all of Gotham would be at their feet, begging for mercy.

"Smile!" Jerome taunted the boy. Y/N would always blame herself for what happened next.

Theo Galavan, who was supposed to be acting unconscious, somehow snuck past her.

"I said enough!" He bellowed, knife in hand. Before she could even process what was happening, Y/N was forced to watch helplessly as the man she loved was brutally stabbed in the neck.

Gurgling, Jerome stumbled back in confusion as he pinpointed Theo as the perpetrator. The snake watched emotionlessly as the ginger collapsed to the ground.

"No!" Y/N shrieked. The betrayal had her blood boiling, enraged by Theo's deceit.

She dove forward to Jerome's side, cradling his head in her shaking hands. "You'll be okay, we can fix this."

"No," Jerome croaked. "It's on you now. Run. But come back, and make Gotham your bitch."

"I can't leave you. I can't go on with out you," Y/N pleaded, sobbing.

"We both know you're stronger than me," he rasped. "I believe in you. You can get revenge on this bastard and everyone else. You're going to be Queen of Gotham. Do it for me, gorgeous. Promise me."

"Jerome—" she cried.

"Do it, dollface. One of us has to be a star," Jerome rambled.

She could see he was fading, and didn't want their last moments to be fighting. So she nodded, saying "I promise."

Then she laid her head down on his chest, counting his heartbeats as they slowed. As they got fainter, she forced herself to pull back and look him in the eyes as the light left them.

"I will make them pay for what he did to you. Gotham will run red with their blood," Y/N vowed. With one last kiss, she closed Jerome's eyes and rose to her feet. "Farewell, my love."

Before Jim or Galavan could try and stop her, she ran back to the magic closet and escaped, shoving Barbara out of her way as she did so.

Gotham had not seen the last of Y/N L/N.


It took time, but Y/N got her revenge and power. She colluded with Penguin and even Jim Gordon to take Galavan down the second time. She'd let them handle his first death on their own while she grieved and gathered a following of Jerome and hers disciples.

To her immense satisfaction, she was able to turn Jim and Oswald on each other (again) and even got Babs to get in on the fun. And once the powerhouses were worn out from squabbling, she and her followers swooped in, taking over the city through its criminal underworld. They were supported by the poor and oppressed, whom she'd promised the spoils of their takeover.

Now, sitting on her throne of blood and death, looking down on her army of loyal psychopaths, Y/N feels a surge of pride for her accomplishments. She can finally say that she's avenged her lover. Her troop terrorizes the city on the daily, continuing Jerome's legacy with great care and passion. All of Gotham bows to her greatness, and the GCPD can't do shit about it.

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