Bundle of Grief Part 2

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It had been a very long six months.

Trying to get a new place, keep your job, go to your doctor's appointments (by yourself, I might add), and prepare for the new life growing inside you had been absolutely grueling. There were countless times that you wished Jerome were there, and not even really for help handling all the tasks, just for his love and support and how he made you feel grounded.

Dealing with the absence of Jerome was a whole different battle, much harder than any of the other things draining you of late. Sometimes it would just hit you so hard how much you missed him, how much you needed him. Does he miss me too?

By the radio silence on his end, that would be a resounding no.

That hurt even more.

That he could just cut you out without a second thought. That what you thought was the most important person in your life (until recently) could turn his back on you just like that and not look back. Clearly you hadn't meant as much to him as he made it seem.

Your friend had tried to convince you to get back out there, but it didn't feel right. You were pregnant and felt unattractive due to your ungainliness, especially seeing as Jerome couldn't care less about you. More importantly, you'd left Jerome because the baby came first, and that was why you were going to hold off on looking for new relationships for a while, too.

It wasn't like you had the time for that either; you were working a lot to try and save up for hospital care and all the other expenses that came with a baby. Exhausted after a long day at work, you would come home every night, have a nice hot bath, and fall into bed.

You were so out of it one night that you didn't see Jerome sitting at your kitchen table before you were already peeling off your shirt in preparation for that soothing bath.

"Well I missed you, too, babydoll, but I think we oughta make up before we have make up sex," his lazy drawl and chuckle taunted you.

You about fainted, jumped out of your skin, and peed yourself all at once, but instead settled for screaming bloody murder and attempting to cover yourself.

"Calm down, princess it's just me," Jerome soothed you, standing up. "I've been waiting for you to get home for hours. I thought you got off at 6?"

"I've been taking doubles recently to make some more money," you found yourself explaining before you could stop. You cut yourself off and wrapped your arms around your stomach self-consciously (since Jerome wouldn't stop staring at it).

"That's not good for you or the baby," he chided in a concerned tone.

"And why do you care all of a sudden?" You snarked, looking around for your shirt that you'd earlier flung in terror. Of course it had landed at his feet.

"I deserve that," Jerome acknowledged. "And a lot worse. I've done a lot of thinking since you left, and I'm sorry for how I treated you. I was panicked, feeling abandoned, and lashing out because of it, but that wasn't right of me."

"Well thank you for your apology, but I'd appreciate it if you left now," you replied uncomfortably, not willing to get close enough to him to get your shirt back (afraid of him or yourself, you weren't sure).

"Please, gorgeous, let me finish," he pleaded. "I want whatever life has you in it, and if that means a baby, too, so be it. I won't lie to you, I wasn't stoked about the idea because I don't think I'll be a good father. I'm a murdering psychopath with a terrible childhood, babe. But I'm willing to try for you because I know you'll be a great mom, and I want to stay with you no matter what. And you'll help me, right? Just like I'll be here to help you with whatever you need."

"I've needed your help for months, Jerome, and you weren't here," you began to cry. "And if you didn't want me before, you definitely don't want me now. I'm fat, and ugly, and just gross, and—"

Jerome interrupted you by striding closer and removing your hands from your stomach, looking up and down your body reverently.

"You are not fat, you are not ugly, and you are not gross," he said firmly. "Your pregnancy has taken a toll on you, yes, but you radiate your true beauty. Look at you, babygirl, you're glowing. Your belly is big because our baby is growing in there, and they may be making you miserable, but you are bearing it as only a mother can. You're breathtaking."

"Do you mean that?" You asked tearfully.

"Of course I do, princess. You mean everything to me, and so does the baby," Jerome answered.

"She," you said. Jerome looked at you, confused.

"The baby is a girl," you replied.

"She is? We're gonna have a girl? I'm gonna have another babygirl?" Jerome cheered.

"Yes, I've been dying to tell you since I found out months ago, but you were..." you trailed off.

"Being a dick," he finished seriously. "I'm so sorry that you've been dealing with all of this alone, babydoll, but I promise I will make it up to you. You need me, and I will be there so fast. In fact, do you want to move back in? You want me to move in here? I need to be with you, if you'll let me."

"Of course I will. I've missed you so much! I think it will be easier if you move in here, though, because I've already started to set up the nursery. Want me to show you?" You asked.

"You can give me the tour later, babygirl. I can think of a few things I'd love to do first," Jerome smirked.

Without another word, he stepped forward and kissed you, one hand snaking into your hair while the other caressed your stomach.

"I believe now that we've made up, we can move on to that make up sex."
Word Count: 1034
Here's that part two! Stay safe everyone!

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