Dp's plan....

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Italic letters will be for flashback.

Let's start,

Dp announced that Laksh is meeting his another happiness soon. 
" I'm happy for my son, but one more happiness is entering our house in the form of Laksh's life partner. Soon she will be introduced to you all. Let's celebrate the party. " Dp finished and came to Laksh who was still in shock. How can his father decide about his life? He thought after Ragini's incident he will never control his life.  But he was wrong. Here comes Mr.  Dp standing in front of him like whatever he announced seconds ago is a common thing for him. Dp expected some reactions from him.  But he got none.  He thought after party he may lash out,  at least he will talk it out. So he waited.
All guests congratulated Laksh and enjoyed the party.  Laksh was lost again in his thoughts in the whole party. All guests left after party including Gadodias too.

Laksh was moving to his room when Dp called him back.
" Laksh, we need to talk"
" What is there to talk Dad.  You always do this. Without consulting me how can you announce about my marriage" Laksh shouted. All family members were quite. This is the first time Laksh has reacted after Ragini's truth out. 
" I'm your father Laksh. I can take your life's decision" dp declared, to this Laksh chuckled.
" Even if I want to I can't obey you as I'm already married. " Laksh said calmly.
Now this is new for everyone,  Laksh is acknowledging his marriage. Is he okay, everyone thought the same.

" What are you saying Laksh.  Do you want to accept Ragini as your wife even after what she did" Sujata interfered.
" It does not matter Chachi that I accept her or not, but she is my wife"  said Laksh confusing even more.

" Say it clearly Laksh." Sanskar demands for answer. This is the first time these two are talking other than business. Both were busy, one in love of Swara and another to forget her. 

" We are legally married. Still we are husband and wife as we are not divorced yet."  Laksh answered making everyone speechless.

Everyone are so busy in Swasan remarriage and in their happiness they forgot one person who has lost all his happiness in a moment.  How can they ignore Laksh and his married life to this extent. After Ragini went out of mm swasan declared their love,  to overcome their sadness and pain they focused on swasan happiness in this way they ignored Laksh's pain too. Even Laksh did not care about his marriage, he was in pain because of swasan marriage, he never cared about his marriage.  Before the revelation of Ragini's truth also he has always ignored her,  she was just his friend and his  unwanted wife (because of his stupidity only) .  He was OK that Ragini is out of his life now, but he is in pain because he lost Swara,  love of his life. But She forgot him in a few weeks, started a new life with his brother. That day he lost all the faith in love and marriages. In this way even he ignored about his so called marriage then how come he will get the idea about divorce. Now after four months when he entered the baadi at that time he realized it, they they are still bonded by this marriage. He is still tied to her.

Everyone is ashamed for their ignorant behavior towards Laksh and his pain,  they are guilty. Specially his mother.  But dp is not a fool to announce his marriage without thinking. It is his plan. He always wanted Laksh to be responsible and now he is but at the cost of his happiness. He is trying hard to make him forget his past and move on, but nothing is working. He has sent him for business tour,  he forced him to attend business parties, even secretly called his friends to spend time with him.  But no, nothing worked out.  Dp realized that his son is stuck in his past,  if he wants to move on he has to face his past and accept it. He is still regretting thinking about the past and his mistrust on Swara.

Dp knows that his son will never marry again. He has to force him or he should make a peace with his past and move on.  He knows that Laksh has not filed for his divorce yet. He wanted Laksh to face Ragini and fight with his feelings. How can you add a water in a already full glass, you have to empty that glass first. Like this Laksh has to deal with Ragini himself.  He has forget and forgive her,  her presence shouldn't affect him, So that he can move on.

" Good you remember it Laksh.  First thing tomorrow you will file for divorce." with that dp went to his room.  Leaving everyone shocked.

Laksh also started to his room when Ap called him.
" Laksh,  Im sorry, I coul.."  Ap started but was interrupted by Laksh.
" now  it doesn't  matter  maa, it doesn't " with this Laksh left to his to his room.
Ap broke down completely. Laksh was always her favorite son. She cannot tolerate his pain, that is why she became ignorant. But she never realized that to this extent she ignored him which gave him more pain.  She is cursing herself for his pain.  She was not there for him,  she never tried to.
Pari and Sujata were consoling her but it increase her guilt even more as she never consoled Laksh when he needed it.

Gadodias reached baadi. They are happy for Laksh.  All three has same thing in mind he has changed,  Ragini changed him.
No one is talking about Ragini.  All are happy for Laksh.
Ragini is nowhere in Baadi.  She has left the Baadi a long time ago,  precisely more than a month ago.
Where is she?  Sumi is worried for her, but shekar and Parvati are behaving as if she never existed for them.
They are worried for her but not expressing it as their anger on her overpowering their worry.

Precap: Ragini

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