Nok jhok

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Hey guys sorry I'm late.
I hope you enjoyed your Sunday.
I always love and look up to Sundays.  But this Sunday,  leave it let's start the story.


In Ragini's apartment,

Pari and Ragini are in kitchen preparing the dinner.  Laksh and Adarsh were watching cricket with Reesha.  The little awkwardness Pari and Ragini had between them vanished with shopping.

The shopping went well as both bought what they wanted.  When they returned the lunch was ready by the men and their women were too happy and tension free that they can rest after a heavy shopping. Everyone had lunch.  Ragini spent her most of the time with Reesha.

As the dinner got ready all sat to eat.  Pari was feeding Reesha her baby food, alternatively having her food.  All are eating silently when Adarsh broke it.

" Pari, I just checked my messages, and got to know today's credit card bill. What did you buy worth more than Lakh?" Adarsh spoke as just before dinner he read the message of his credit card bill. 

" Now I should give you all the details about my expenses.  Don't forget I'm your wife.  Whatever you own, half of it belongs to me." Pari replied annoyed.  After so many days,  may be after her marriage she did shopping like this.  And Adarsh is interrogating her.

" Pari I'm just asking.  Why are you overreacting? " Adarsh replied increasing Pari's anger.  Raglak are just watching their argument like dumb.  Neither they stopped it nor involved. 

" Did I ever asked you about your expenses?  No right...  Then you too don't ask me."  Pari spoke, her voice held finality and Adarsh shut his mouth. After that they silently finished their food.  Ragini too sighed in relief.

All were in balcony enjoying the cool breeze when Laksh went to bedroom to see the sleeping arrangements.  When he searched in cupboard he got two cotton matrices and some blankets, which looked like newly bought.  He guessed Ragini might have bought them for Parish.  But he can't let Parish to sleep on floor. 

When he was thinking about other arrangements he saw some shopping bags neatly arranged in top shelf.  No doubt they belonged to Ragini.  He checked his messages as recalled recent argument of Parish. But there were no messages from credit card company.  He checked his balance which seems unchanged.  That means Ragini hasn't taken any money from him,  all the while she was just threatening him.  He sighed.  He can never understand this woman,  who happened to be his wife.

Wife.  He remembered Adarsh words that he should consider her as his wife.  He doesn't know what to do, either he should follow it and get clarity of their relationship or ignore his advice to satisfy his ego.

He chose option one.  He decided to to act upon this advice at that time itself. At least he would know what his heart wants,  if it feels light he will proceed with this,  but if he has any doubts or confusions he will stop it the next moment. He take his own time and will not take any impulsive decision which always hurts him and his people.

He came out of room towards balcony. Parish were in balcony and Ragini was in hall who was singing lullaby to Reesha.  Laksh sat beside her adoring cute Reesha who was almost asleep.

" Ragini why you didn't use my card?" Laksh asked as soon as she placed sleeping Reesha on bed.

" I don't need your money.  About that shopping and punishment,  I was just threatening you." Ragini spoke tiredly.

" It is not about punishment.  You can still use my card." Laksh spoke.  Ragini chuckled a little.

" I already told you I don't need your money.  I'm only accepting your money for household expenses as you are living here." Ragini spoke blankly,  "  However I don't have any right to use your money." Ragini added further remembering Parish conversation.

Itni dafa -  a Raglak ffWhere stories live. Discover now